However, developing an integrated information system often involves supporting interactions with humans.
In Chen information Technology co., Ltd. is an integrated information system for specialized IT companies.
Hydrological information system is an integrated information system by the hydrological information collection, analysis, and services.
Tethered aerostat borne radar system is an integrated information system, in which the tethered aerostat is the carrying platform and the radar is the mission system.
A strong, integrated health information system is the cornerstone of an optimal health system.
This step can be integrated with an existing file system backup strategy to ensure that all relevant WebSphere Application Server information is backed up.
Then, an integrated information management system of intelligent community has been structured based on visual Angle of application.
With an aim at the disadvantages of single neutral network, this paper sets up integrated neutral-network fault-diagnosis system based on information fusion technology.
This paper introduces an integrated book information management system.
The aim is to seek an efficient and reliable method of retrieving knowledge from repositories to support the running of distributed integrated information system for product design successfully.
An operation room information management system integrated with HIS, PACS, LIS and EMR systems was developed while setting up clean laminar flow operation room in our hospital.
An operating room information management system integrated with HIS, PACS, LIS and EMR systems was developed while setting up clean laminar flow operating room in our hospital.
Information system of remote sensing integrated survey about land resources in Hunan province is an operable system in which data can be updated dynamically.
Taking Geographic Information System (GIS) as an urban environmental modelling framework allows modellers to use database, data visualization, and analytical tools in a single integrated environment.
The GIS based information system of land resources in Hunan province is an operable system in which data are derived from remote sensing integrated survey and can be updated dynamically.
CIPS (Computer integrated process system) is an integrated automatization information system engineering which aims at process industry.
According to the features of cadastral management, the paper presents an overall structure of the integrated cadastral information system with J2EE as its basis.
Taking the integrated real-time information system for power dispatching of Shinan power Supply Company as an example, several technical problems in integrated system were expatiated.
In order to co-relate the information of gene regulation and expression, an integrated database system of gene regulation information has been built.
This paper introduces an integrated information processing and retrieval system which has been built at home, and which is based on IRRD documentation database introduced from abroad.
An information fusion model of integrated navigation system based on neurons is proposed, and also an on line adaptive training algorithm of the weights of neuron is given.
To build a complete, reusable and highly consistent product lifecycle information model, an integrated system framework of product lifecycle model was proposed.
A new method about using database, GIS and remote sensing techniques to build an integrated system for handling, analysis, visualization and management of ocean environmental information is discussed.
In view of the disadvantage of single neural network, this paper establishes an integrated neural network fault diagnosis system based on information fusion technology.
MIS is an Information system project integrated computer technology and net telecommunication.
GIS-based road traffic safety management system is an integrated system that integrates GIS, road information, traffic accident information and correlative treatment models.
The flood risk map was used in risk information inquiring, flood evaluation, design of emergency and refuge plan to form an integrated system of risk management and decision-making.
And erp is an integrated management information system which aggregates, plans and controls effectively all the resources inside an enterprise to get biggest benefit.
An algorithm of decentralized information filtering with hierarchical network structures is discussed for the design of integrated navigation system.
An algorithm of decentralized information filtering with hierarchical network structures is discussed for the design of integrated navigation system.