Senator Robert Casey - considered the most popular Democratic Party office holder in the state and an Obama backer - says he will not predict what will happen when voters go to the polls on Tuesday.
凯西参议员支持奥巴马。 他说,他无法预料星期二选民前往投票时会出现什么情况。
Get that mess off your counter with folders and a file holder. The one shown here ($8 an office supply store) mounts with screws or double-sided foam tape.
把这些凌乱的文件用资料和文件夹整理一下,图中显示的这个(办公收纳用品,售价8 美元)是用螺丝或双面胶固定的。
Get that mess off your counter with folders and a file holder. The one shown here ($8 an office supply store) mounts with screws or double-sided foam tape.
把这些凌乱的文件用资料和文件夹整理一下,图中显示的这个(办公收纳用品,售价8 美元)是用螺丝或双面胶固定的。