It's the start of an unexpected life together as they overcome obstacles and become quite attached to one another.
I got an unexpected demonstration of the double dispatch pattern in real life the other day.
My social life at work has dramatically improved—an unexpected benefit of dog-ownership.
Siyu had wished to be a companion for Professor Dai in her old age, and her wish would now be granted, an unexpected gift from a stingy life.
Tony Webster, a cautious, divorced man in his 60s who "had wanted life not to bother me too much, and had succeeded," receives an unexpected bequest from a woman he'd met only once, 40 years earlier.
I don't know which way is better choice, to be guilty in the rest of your life, and to give up the normal life and do everything at power to support an unexpected child?
Being a mother is simply the greatest achievement of my life. It has taken me on an unexpected journey that can constantly surprise, educate and confuse me!
Maybe you figure your existence is the result of a billion unlikely accidents, and nothing more; then certainly your life is an unexpected and undeserved surprise.
Internet provides great convenience for people's life, but also brings a lot of unexpected problems. Computer security is an outstanding problem.
Then, WOW…your love life will become electrified and an unexpected romance will enter your life. Summer will bring opportunity for you to experience true love.
As human beings culture medium of socialization, commercialization, it has pervaded into our daily life at an unexpected speed.
In 1993, however, an unexpected disaster struck him and changed his innocent childhood life since then.
I suspect this is why Caroline, like many of my clients who successfully change their explanatory patterns, has experienced an unexpected side effect: She's in the best shape of her life.
In human life, happiness and misfortunes are often beyond our expectations, and an unexpected blow may even drive one up the wall.
Although my life has taken some unexpected turns in the last few years, the field of chemistry has been an unwavering companion and a source of intellectual interest.
In fact, this interlude is just like Zuckerberg's life: the future is unknown, with ups and downs, but there's always an unexpected happy ending.
In fact, this interlude is just like Zuckerberg's life: the future is unknown, with ups and downs, but there's always an unexpected happy ending.