DNA sequence analysis showed that the nucleotide sequence of T7 lysozyme gene was 99.5% homologous with the reported sequence and its deduced amino acid sequence was the same as reported.
The sequence analysis determined that the CP gene of Kuerle pear isolation comprised 582 nucleotides and encoded 193 amino acids containing consensus of nucleotide binding motif.
Sequence analysis showed that homology of nucleotide and amino acid of ts was high.
The positive clones were sequenced and the sequence data were analyzed using Nucleotide BLAST software of NCBI and Expert Protein Analysis System of Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics.
通过互联网对测序获得的核苷酸序列进行同源性分析 ,并预测新基因编码蛋白质的结构与功能。
Sequence analysis showed that its nucleotide sequence had high identity to a Japanese isolate of RDV and contained high percent of rare codons.
Sequence analysis showed that more than 74% nucleotide sequence identified with some other high-affinity Pi transporter of plants.
Sequence analysis showed that more than 74% nucleotide sequence identified with some other high-affinity Pi transporter of plants.