The new North Africa, in order to endure, must successfully anastomose the cultures of east and west.
All the four cluster could reflect the pedigrees of the cultivars in some degree but is not very anastomose.
If a large enough bile duct can be found to anastomose and provide bile drainage, then surgery can be curative.
Objective To evaluate the application of CDH round anastomat in esophagus and gastric anastomose through belly.
Using valtrac ring to anastomose alimentary were norm safety and simple, which were superior to substitute Stapler and suture.
Conclusion: sural nerve nutritional branches anastomose with subcutaneous vascular network and provide blood supply to the flap.
All these arteries anastomose each other to form the periosteal network which covers all of the cartilage-free surface of the talus.
To sum up the experience in treating the finger end imperfect skin with reverse finger artery island flap combined with finger nerve anastomose.
Conclusions: Radial nerve branches of LHT have both enough length and diameter to anastomose nerve branches of musculocutaneous nerve and partial axillaris nerve;
Result Most of the complications after OLT show as hemorrhage, low blood pressure, dysfunction of blood coagulation, kidney dysfunction, leakage of vascular anastomose.
Objective: To provide anatomic basis for C7 nerve transfer to anastomose anterior lumbar spinal nerve in vertebral canal to restore the lower limb function of paraplegia.
The main vessels-circumflex scapular vessels supplied to the flap are more constant, easy to dissect, and have a large diameter, so less difficult technique to anastomose.
Methods The patients include 300 cases of fingertip replantation were applied by progressive or regressive methods, and tried to anastomose digital arteries and palmar digital finger veins.
Methods The patients include 300 cases of fingertip replantation were applied by progressive or regressive methods, and tried to anastomose digital arteries and palmar digital finger veins.