I answered the questions as best I could and moved on to the campaign message.
I didn't really need any of those anymore as I moved on from developing Windows Forms application but the exercise was good for me to learn reflection code emitting and more about the CLR.
We began working together as more or less co-maintainers, and when Brian moved on to other things, I still needed to support Bash for my local users, so I produced several local releases.
And so, as I approach the day when I cannot even jump over the tennis net, I am moved to share some thoughts on aging with you.
After I moved away from India, the monthly updates stopped coming as I had moved on to "bigger and greater" things such as trying fish and chips for the first time.
I've described prison society as a scaled-down model of your outside world, but I had no idea of how fast things moved on the outside; the raw speed people move at. They even talk faster. And louder.
Like I said, this took a little research, as many of the QA personnel who worked on Supreme Commander and Forged Alliance have moved on to new positions, or new companies.
As Google moved from Google Suggest to Google Instant last week, I began to wonder what impact it may have on B2B marketers and how to assess that impact.
As Google moved from Google Suggest to Google Instant last week, I began to wonder what impact it may have on B2B marketers and how to assess that impact.