Findings show that CB is a kind of electric loss medium and it has high electric conductivity and dielectric constants.
Water dielectric, because of its great dielectric constant and high breakdown stress, is extensively used as the energy storage medium in high power pulse conditioning system.
Such optical resonators distribute randomly in the random medium and their amount and distributing characteristics depend on the strength of the dielectric constant fluctuation.
A method for obtaining the release of a fuel gas mixture including hydrogen and oxygen from water in which the water is processed as a dielectric medium in an electrical resonant circuit.
Week 10 conductor in static electric field, capacitor and capacity of conductor, dielectric in static electric field, Gauss theorem in dielectric medium.
Based on the electromagnetic scattering theory of dielectric wire and effective medium theory, the formula of the effective dielectric constant of metal wire-dielectric composites is derived.
Among the numerical simulation methods, the finite element method (FEM) is widely to solve the electric field with complex structure and multi-dielectric medium with high precision.
The microwave dielectric material has the advantages of high Q value and medium dielectric constant, as well as high production repeatability, adjustable temperature coefficient.
It features the low sintering temperature resulting in low power consumption, medium dielectric constant, high quality factor and temperature stable resonant frequency.
Magnetic field distribution of low frequency electromagnetic wave in even medium is analyzed, which is related to the medium's dielectric coefficient and magnetic inductive capacity.
In the process of EDM, dielectric medium has remarkable influence on material removal rate, surface quality of the workpiece and relative electrode wear ratio.
Oil solenoid valve is due to various oil system, oil storage tanks and a variety of oil pipelines, oil dielectric medium used to switch the valve can be remote controlled automatically.
Oil solenoid valve is due to various oil system, oil storage tanks and a variety of oil pipelines, oil dielectric medium used to switch the valve can be remote controlled automatically.