Ng before voicemail — or even answering machines — and back when phones could be carried in your pocket, there was no telling who called while you were away from home.
Some analysts allow, or even elect, to be carried away by this forceful current and must then change their techniques accordingly.
Strong hands wrenched Rabadash's sword from him and he was carried away into the castle, Shouting, threatening, cursing, and even crying.
Even after we can remember things, many of our memories cannot survive time and could be carried away by it.
This carried over to Game 2, griffeys, when even though the Lakers won, Kobe was forced to guard Paul much of the time, sapping much-needed attention and energy away from Kobe's offense.
这种情况延续到第二场比赛,尽管湖人赢得比赛。这场比赛科比大部分的时间都在防守保罗,nike 7.0,大大的减少了他在进攻端的注意力和体力。
This carried over to Game 2, griffeys, when even though the Lakers won, Kobe was forced to guard Paul much of the time, sapping much-needed attention and energy away from Kobe's offense.
这种情况延续到第二场比赛,尽管湖人赢得比赛。这场比赛科比大部分的时间都在防守保罗,nike 7.0,大大的减少了他在进攻端的注意力和体力。