Unlike women, men find it difficult to open up and express their feelings and emotions.
The reason for agreement is that it can increase the atmosphere of festivals and increase the friendship and express their feelings.
This combines what was learned during dance technique and improvisation, that is, learn to control people's movements and express their feelings.
Kang said, "Compared with students in the city, perhaps students in the countryside need a way to express their feelings and be heard more."
The way children talk about or express their feelings depends on their age and stage of development.
You may feel bad when you believe you are wrong. When children express their feelings and are told that it's nothing to cry about, they come to know that they themselves are bad.
Researchers believe the addition of music therapy allows people to better express their emotions and reflect on their inner feelings.
Oil painting is a language by which artists express and convey their emotions. It fulfills its functions through its visional effect and emphasizes individual feelings and cultural impacts.
To me, dreams about flying express feelings about freedom; I checked with the experts online and their interpretations matched mine.
Free hot lines as well as 6 music lessons open to parents and their children are available, designed to guide the affected children to positively express their feelings.
Give them a chance to express their feelings and then calmly explain why you may disagree with them.
Help them learn to use words that express their feelings, such as happy, sad, angry, mad and scared.
When children are included in the decision-making process, they benefit because they can express their feelings and know that their parents are listening to them.
Sharing your feelings in this way may initiate a more open communication, allowing everyone to express their feelings with greater understanding, honesty and directness.
They don't know how to express their feelings, and they are afraid of being embarrassed, when they speak out their true words.
In the third group are people who use an assertive style to express anger and communicate their feelings without blaming the other person.
If the idea is really about real families giving a testimonial in their own words and images, then "Homemovies" becomes one of the ways in which they can express their feelings.
Ideally, in Stage Two couples learn to deepen their communication skills. They work to understand and express their wants, needs, and feelings.
Through her plays Churchill means to express feelings of insecurity, uncertainty and loss of modern people in the course of their seeking protection whereas failing to find any.
Try to use the language and arts in different forms to express their feelings.
In sports teaching, teachers and students also use language and body languages to express their feelings and communicate with each other.
Members for the purpose of the chat room people into each other to transmit information and to express their thoughts and feelings.
It's OK to initially express anger and frustration, but wallowing in feelings of unfairness or blame will make them feel worse and wastes their energy.
If you feel impatient and intolerant when others express their childlike feelings, then this is an indicator of how you treat yourself.
If you feel impatient and intolerant when others express their childlike feelings, then this is an indicator of how you treat yourself.