The reality of it is that a lot of low-income kids could be going to elite universities on a full ride scholarship and don't even realize it.
The economy had recovered, the treasury was full, and art and scholarship had advanced.
If you've done well throughout grade school and high school, you get a full scholarship to our college! All expenses paid!
His daughter passed the university entrance exams with flying colors and has received a full scholarship.
Gu and Gao are also not from the mold that made Liu Yiting, the little-girl-that - could from an interior city (Chengdu) who made it into Harvard on a full scholarship.
But nor do they tend to have the full features we associate with universities: multiple schools and departments with a heavy focus on research, scholarship and training new Ph.
Years of studying and practicing, combined with her talent and determination earned her a full vocal scholarship to University of Southern California's School of Music.
The next year, as she and her team went to the Northern California Championship game, she was seen by a college recruiter, and was offered a full scholarship, to a NCAA women's basketball team.
But that guys talk was full of promises, the scholarship, and job training, and everything they promised allured us to enlist.
However, the award of the Mendelssohn Scholarship (1948) changed his life and gave him the confidence to pursue a full-time composing career.
The UCM Scholarship amounts to 24,000 Euros and covers the full tuition fee for the 3-year Bachelor programme.
It was in that same chair I was sitting when my daughter came home from school and told me she was going to college 'cause she got a full scholarship.
Prior to that I had been admitted to Macalester College in Minnesota with full scholarship, but Harvard of course held more prestige and appeal in name.
I spent 18 years with my warm family in Guangzhou and graduated from a renowned Guangzhou university through a full-scholarship program.
I spent 18 years with my warm family in Guangzhou and graduated from a renowned Guangzhou university through a full-scholarship program.