Classes are also the foundation for object-oriented and generic programming, which we cover in Part IV.
XML also presents enough common attributes to services and applications to facilitate generic access to the data from heterogeneous programming languages and environments.
Linux provides a generic driver for SCSI devices and an application programming interface so you can build applications to send SCSI commands directly to SCSI devices.
Find out what happens when you combine defensive programming, design by contract, and an easy-to-use generic validation framework called OVal.
Copy and paste programming: Copying (and modifying) existing code rather than creating generic solutions.
拷贝粘贴编程(Copy and paste programming):拷贝(然后修改)现有的代码而不是假。
The term reflection, on the other hand, is a generic term used across programming languages to refer to the ability of a program to inspect and modify its objects, types, etc. at runtime.
The paper analyzed thoroughly the idea of generic programming, discusses the structure and the principle of the STL and points out the great significance of code reuse.
Class Code the Class Code register is read-only and is used to identify the generic function of the device and, in some cases, a specific register-level programming interface.
Class Code the Class Code register is read-only and is used to identify the generic function of the device and, in some cases, a specific register-level programming interface.