When I wake up in the morning And I see you there.
The teacher noticed the students' surprise and said, "I want you to write about what you see there."
Today there is nothing left in the cupboard, and this candle you see here is the last one I have.
I'm an experience junkie and I want to try everything at least once, which is nigh impossible when you see how many options there are in drugstores.
In the interface file you can see that there is a tag which contains an and also a tag which represents the port I have already chosen.
Again, this is a bit extreme, but you can see through this illustration some of the things that stress people out. There are many more, of course, and I won’t cover all of them here.
In the same way that decaffeinated coffee smells and tastes like real coffee without being the real thing, my online screen persona, the "you" that I see there, is a decaffeinated self.
Day in, day out, there is certainly not the hostility there was years ago, and I think you see that in that there are more interracial relationships, and people don't fear those relationships.
一天天地过去,日升,月落,现在种族敌视早没有以前那么厉害了。你看,这里很多人谈恋爱时,肤色已不再是禁忌。 人们也不怕和不同肤色的人来往。
That is the glass — the mirror, Mrs Linton; and you see yourself in it, and there am I too, by your side.
Okay. Good. Now I see some of you out there from-- like this, not really participating, and if I can get up here--Think about this.
I hope that you will keep coming back to see what is new and if there is an area we are looking into that interests you that you will give us feedback and input.
You see, when I lived far away, you knew I was there, and I kept something for you, even though you had never seen a polar bear or an ice floe. Even though you are not adapted to my conditions.
I sat in there and wrote where my parents could not see me because they were worried, you know, that I didn't go outside.
The road is invisible in these clouds and fog, and there is nothing in the world except you and these children that I want to see badly enough to drive another inch!
I think you could see what it meant to us all, and the supporters, at the end there. It was a joy to be a part of that.
"There she is, you see," I said, and I pointed to the picture on the wall.
Once the board powers up and you see the welcome menu, don't select anything -- loading some of the examples there will change the I/O mappings and the steps you'll do later won't work.
启动该板后,将看到欢迎菜单,不要做出任何选择 ——加载那里的示例会改变I/O映射,导致后面的步骤无法进行。
Rarely do you get all the family and friends together, so I think it will be great to go through the album when I'm old and senile and see who was there.
No doesn't actually does it? You see there maybe that it is a complete mystery for us all and I wish I can think of an example that turns out to be true and turns out to have an explanation.
And then you need an engineer who is allowed to not touch the patient but sit there and watch, and say, "wait a minute, I see what you're doing, you're doing the same thing 7 times.
I already introduced, as you see there length, time and mass and we call these the three fundamental quantities in physics.
"You can go out on a quiet night and see the thing flying over and you think, my goodness, I was there, I helped put that together," says Sellers.
I still have to round out the sharp edges you see there as the bag could snag on those and down we go.
I was being interviewed by a TV producer to see whether I should be on their show, and she asked me, "What are you seeing out there that's interesting?"
Another says: "I would tell you to go to Hell but I work there and I don't want to see you every day."
Her last message to me shortly before she died was, "I am going to Heaven and I want to see you there."
Her last message to me shortly before she died was, "I am going to Heaven and I want to see you there."