I understand Reding's reluctance — and her frustration.
At that time, I was a shy and quiet girl. The teacher spoke so fast that I didn't understand her most of the time.
I loved watching her with my baby and began to understand her, and to see that once she had been like that with me.
I got into it with her for a few exchanges because I wanted to sincerely understand how she could be my friend one day and the next want to shun me.
Her name sprang to my lips at moments in strange prayers and praises which I myself did not understand.
Fortunately Ellie's bosses at the gallery understand her unusual needs. "They know what's happening if I suddenly go red and have to dart off," she said.
I knew nothing about this woman, but I was moved by her intensity and wanted to understand what she was saying.
Comprehend power: the experience in the left, a girl put me down suburbs, will I send her roses, and slowly inserted the wild manure, I immediately understand.
I don't remember ever slamming my door in anger at her and Shouting, "You just don't understand!"
I showed her the letter, but she looked confused and could not seem to understand it, so I had to explain 'it's from Mr Heathcliff,' I said gently.
I had a client who had been trying to understand why a certain series of events had happened to her and she had been trying for 25 years and still getting herself upset every time she spoke about it.
But I invite you to practice using Virginia Satir's interaction model to understand your own response, and her response, and your response to that.
I want her to help me to understand myself by reflecting back what I am saying and by identifying the feelings that I am expressing.
I knew from listening to a thousand preachers that she was nearing the end of her reading, and I hadn't really heard, heard to understand, a single word.
I did not understand why he always carried March's heavy suitcases and all her packages, but Robert would not let me ask him.
"I thought, 'Her life was very, very painful, and I need people to understand about these illnesses, and I need to rethink how private I've been," said Bergeson.
She knew I'd understand, as I had wrestled with such issues since my teens and at least we were blessed in having time to address the important matters, including her sons' future.
Now I can understand why your wife wants to divorce you. You must admit you've never loved her wholeheartedly and half-hearted love is worse than none.
We mustn't have flowers on the table, Susan, because I understand they give her asthma. And pepper makes her sneeze, so we'd better not have it.
She wouldn't understand the hint, but followed me to a sideboard, where I went to lay my bonnet, and importuned me in a whisper to give her directly what I had brought.
I began to understand that much of her anger and frustration with me over the years was because she was scared for me - scared I would be hurt by someone (which I was).
"I could not wear your dress last night. I was very upset and I did not want to see anybody. Understand?" She said as her eyes welled up.
I want to look at her and say, "Never! I'm your mother and that's my job." But I have a feeling she wouldn't understand.
In order to understand and learn her songs, I had to accumulate more Spanish vocabularies and learn Spanish grammars faster.
“I understand her situation and the pressure from her family, ” he said. “I also understand that her parents want their daughter to find someone who can give her a better life.”
I understand, you all pain of injury is to her and some, and I still so naive.
I understand, you all pain of injury is to her and some, and I still so naive.