A 13-year-old Jackson was the youngest member of the group that churned out hits such as ABC and I Want you Back.
I know that I spent four cents to get you and I want my money back.
You know, I want to go back to my childhood with teabags, fish and chips.
"I thought you would want it back," he said a little bitterly, and offered to return her the thimble.
What I want is for you to synthesize information to reflect back on what we've read and discussed and to form your own ideas, not just repeat points from the textbook.
I want to just highlight this point for you because we're going to come back and look at it.
When I went back home with the task, I took courage, stepped forward and said, "Dad, I just want to tell you that I love you."
You saved my life and I want to give back to You.
There are some good ideas here, but I want you to take it back and do some more work on it.
I believe that helping out with anything makes people respect you for who you really are, and hopefully makes them want to return the favor back to you once you really need it.
I want you to come to Greece with me now, and help me get my son back.
You took something that was mine, something I entrusted you with, and I want it back.
But to a spouse who's struggling with this kind of issue, I would want to say after the patient has left this world, you want be able to look back and say you treated that person with dignity.
What I want to tell you is: I am not going to do any of those things and I’ll be back here again next year.
I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.
And I just enjoy speaking with them about things you fundamentally disagree on. And just for me, I guess, I think we both want to go back in a few years.
And she said, "For all these years I didn't want you to know how foolish and unstable I was back when we met."
I tell them to be freaky, be adventuresome, but to think five times before committing any of it to camera, 'cuz you can't take it back, and you'll likely want to sooner or later.
Larry doesn't want to talk about this stuff with outsiders – on earnings calls, or elswhere – because he believes what you and I don't need to know, we don't need to know. So back off.
I came back here to practice, and I found you didn't in the least want me to be a great man.
I may want to finish the particular point that I'm making, I'll try to come back to you and I'll then raise your question.
What I want to tell you is: I am not going to do any of those things and I’ll be back here again next year。
And the Spirit of God has to constantly come back and remind us what it means and actually that's what I want to talk to you about.
When Vincent shouted, “You’ve got to tell me what you want, ” Jobs shot back, “You’ve got to show me some stuff, and I’ll know it when I see it.”
Time really passes by quickly, and do you want to look back on your last 40 years and think: What the HECK have I done?
And then you want to go back and see the movie again (as I did) in the hope that this time you have something of your own to offer.
Now, when I get back, I want you and your friends to be gone.
And I really want you to come back, be my assistant. I promise you things will be different.
And I really want you to come back, be my assistant. I promise you things will be different.