Since the recession hit and job insecurity increased, more are also complaining of eating problems and severe jaw or mouth pain.
The researchers looked at the records of more than 17,400 women in their 50s and 60s who all provided details on their work strains and job insecurity.
In fact employee attitudes can create the need for new company strategies in the case of job dissatisfaction, poor team spirit, lack of commitment and job insecurity.
From the lack of secure, affordable housing to growing job insecurity and rising personal debt, the individual is trapped.
The high proportion of temporary work breeds insecurity, and people who feel their job is about to disappear may also be more reluctant to spend.
If life looks cheery in spite of the gloomy weather, mass job insecurity and the suspicion that spending hours on Facebook is mangling your mind, you might want to thank your brightside gene.
Don't talk too much about yourself and never brag about your job, your money, or your car because these things only communicate insecurity.
If you're afraid of losing your job, you probably should be. Job insecurity can kill you. And you want to find a new job before you lose the one you have.
Fearful American households are attempting to adjust, as best as they can, to a rapid contraction in credit availability, threats to retirement funds and increased job insecurity.
Job insecurity partially mediated the influences between procedural justice on job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
Conclusion: Improving procedural justice can decrease employees' job insecurity and thus increase their job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
Objective: To explore the influences of procedural justice on job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and the mediating effects of job insecurity therein.
Overwork, job insecurity, and other numerous factors have a negative effect on person.
Therefore, it is becoming necessary to investigate the consequences of job insecurity, and explore the mechanism of how job insecurity is related to certain consequences.
Stanford researchers identified a number of stressors that affect overall health and wellness for employees, including long hours, job insecurity, work-family conflict, and others.
The results showed that: (1) the linear relationship between job insecurity and supervisory rated job performance was not significant;
Due to uncertain economic conditions, rapid organizational changes, advancement of technology, and other factors, job insecurity has emerged as one of the serious stressors in contemporary work life.
The current global economic downturn has engendered significant insecurity of employment and future job prospect.
But the agency warned that the global economic slowdown could outweigh the gains for the poorest of the world's rice consumers, because of falling incomes and rising job insecurity.
But the agency warned that the global economic slowdown could outweigh the gains for the poorest of the world's rice consumers, because of falling incomes and rising job insecurity.