Researchers at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and at the University of Chicago did the work.
Developed at Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital, the machine is called "Zeltiq," and uses a cooling method called "cryolipolysis" to target, chill and break down fat cells.
She is affiliated with the Perinatal and Reproductive Psychiatry Clinical Research Program at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Sleep scientists Scott McKinney and Jeffrey Ellenbogen of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and colleagues used a sophisticated computer program to find out.
A research group at Boston's Massachusetts General Hospital, led by Tayyaba Hasan, has used nanocells and photodynamic therapy (light-activated chemicals) to target pancreatic cancer.
Therapists who laugh with their clients increase feelings of connection and bonding, reports Dr. Carl Marci, the director of Social Neuroscience at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Now a team of researchers from the Ragon Institute of Massachusetts General Hospital, MIT and Harvard has revealed a new effect that contributes to this gene’s ability to confer immunity.
The research was undertaken by scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital, who monitored health and diet records of more than 130,000 people over the course of thirty years.
The book has been written, reviewed, updated, and field-tested by the internationally recognized anesthesia department of the Massachusetts General Hospital.
Mei Wu at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School will be getting a grant to see if shooting a laser at a person's skin before administering a vaccine can enhance immune response.
Researchers assessed all radiology exams performed at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) between 1989 and 2003 to determine the effects of obesity on imaging quality and diagnosis.
The WHI findings were based on a study of women with an average age of 63, says Isaac Schiff, head of the obstetrics and gynecology service at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Massachusetts General hospital (MGH) is an affiliated teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School and is also one of the oldest hospital in the United States.
"The data is that single use is dangerous," said David Schoenfeld, PhD, a panelist and professor of medicine from Massachusetts General Hospital.
Thee research was undertaken by scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital, who monitored health and diet records of more than 130,000 people over the course of thirty years.
Thee research was undertaken by scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital, who monitored health and diet records of more than 130,000 people over the course of thirty years.