While it is normal that you only want the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.
When you spend $90 for a pair of Nike sneakers, only a fraction of it flows to China and even less to workers there.
Most of the fat that you find in an animal's body is used for storing energy, but this fat, which you find in dolphins, and only in the melon and around the lower jaw.
Take smartphones for example, you need not only computer science and engineering knowledge, but also an understanding of psychology and visual design to create a better product.
In my opinion, good handwriting not only leaves a good impression on other people but also help you apply for a job and get promoted.
Only hurry, for if you wait another second, I'll be dead and gone!
It's not your parents, your past relationships or your job, but you and only you that are responsible for every goal you set.
Actually, you were late with the initial proposals, so you have very little time and in fact, we only asked for small changes.
Not only will you become more confident with your look, you will also have the chance to help with the make up and styling for school activities like fashion shows and New Year's parties.
You have to have the courage to try it—and it's only for people who are already fit and healthy!
You have to play for the rest of the season, and only after that we can talk about whether you'll continue next year.
Only apply for positions you are qualified for, and make each application count, personalizing each cover letter, and updating and editing your resume.
For the file and directory lines, you only need to record the name.
For this application you are concerned with only the department, employee, and employee photo tables; therefore, you will create entities for only those tables.
Remember: your goals and plans are only support tools for action, and you shouldn't spend any more time or effort than necessary on these things.
You and only you are responsible for your happiness.
You can only work so many hours in a week, you can only hire so many more people, and you can only train them to create work-arounds for a limited time.
There is a loving God who knows you and the situation you are in and he only wants the best for you.
Temporal queries involving business time are also easy to write-and you need only include FOR BUSINESS_TIME in the FROM clause.
涉及业务时间的时态查询也很容易编写,您仅需要在from子句中包含FOR BUSINESS_TIME。
Remember whatever you do Vivian, you know I only want one thing for you and that is your happiness.
But you are not to be called 'Rabbi,' for you have only one Master and you are all brothers.
When you work for someone else, there is only you and only so many hours in the day to work for an hourly wage or a salary.
This is tougher when you work for yourself or by yourself and are only accountable to one person, you.
I've fought through a bitter life since I last heard your voice; and you must forgive me, for I struggled only for you! '!
When you reach your height you shall desire but only for desire; and you shall hunger, for hunger; and you shall thirst for greater thirst.
Amid all the rumor, speculation and nonsense, only you know for certain what you think and feel.
You can reduce both capital and operating costs by obtaining resources only when you need them and paying only for what you use.
In the financial world, however, it's all a matter of contracts, payments and let the 'buyer beware' - in this world you only get what you pay for, and sometimes not even that.
Customize, configure and deploy only the process components you need for your projects from proven best practices and architecture.
Customize, configure and deploy only the process components you need for your projects from proven best practices and architecture.