The OCT Bar Street has become a best place for Shenzhen citizens to enjoy leisure time, as well as a gathering place of youth and personal identity.
But there was another group that worried about the attack: other hackers who steal credit card Numbers and personal identity online and then sell and trade this information in underground markets.
Protecting yourself from identity theft is a matter of treating all your personal and financial documents as top secret information.
A name is an integral part of anyone's personal and professional identity—just like the town you're born in and the place where you're raised.
And we need to get clear on the nature of identity or persistence or, more specifically, personal identity.
We'll pay for our services on the new internet with our identity and personal information.
The portal-based interface provides a personalized experience, which considers the user's identity, role, and personal preferences.
If the conversation includes account Numbers and personal information, she can use that to commit identity theft.
The loss of personal identity and individual liberty are the powerful themes.
Yet visual representation of avatars introduced a new dimension and, thus, new questions about identity flexibility, personal privacy, reputation and trust.
And suppose the soul is the key to personal identity.
And yet for all that dualists could consistently say, still same soul as not the key to personal identity, same personality is the key to personal identity.
They're to do with revenge at a personal level and, on a cosmic plane, with challenging the very character of human identity.
And then we're going to spend several weeks, or at least a week or so, talking about the nature of personal identity.
And if we are not willing to accept that implication, it seems as though we need to reject the soul theory of personal identity.
For many Israelis, the issue touches their personal lives and their sense of identity.
And it's precisely for this reason that at least the soul, belief in the soul, combined with the soul theory of personal identity holds out the possibility of surviving my death.
And personality theory, key to be — key to personal identity is having the very same personality.
Beginnings are delicate times, and more so for a Wiki, because obsessive individuals too often tie their identity to their expertise; questioning their expertise is taken as a personal affront.
Our personal brand image will become our public identity and therefore our identity.
Photograph by George Steinmetz - The connection between a Dinka man and his cow is profound; it is part of his personal identity.
乔治·斯坦·梅茨摄- - -丁卡人和他的牛的关系是很深厚的。这是他个人身份的一部分。
Self-branding is a strong personal identity based on a clear perception about what you stand for, what sets you apart from others and the added value you bring to a job or situation.
个人品牌是关于个人身份地位的有力证明。 它主要来自于你所从事的领域、使你与众不同的特点和你能为某件事(译者注:当然应该还有别人)带来的附加价值。
"With the loss of personal identity and the feeling that they are not identifiable, they lose their social responsibility and engage in antisocial behaviours," says Fishbach.
The connection between a Dinka man and his cow is profound; it is part of his personal identity.
They also warned that beyond losing cash, precious personal mementos and the time taken in replacing lost items, people were also exposing themselves to identity fraud.
If I were to discover that's what was happening metaphysically and the soul view was the true theory of personal identity, I'd say, Huh!
The Chinese identity card looks just like any other: it is the right size, has the right symbols and carries the person's image and personal details.
The Chinese identity card looks just like any other: it is the right size, has the right symbols and carries the person's image and personal details.