A search for color returns documents with color and colour, both for keyword search and phrase search.
Wildcard characters cannot be used to substitute punctuation, even when escaped (for keyword and phrase search), as shown in Listing 29.
通配符不能用于替换标签符号,即使是转义的(对于关键字和短语搜索),如清单29 所示。
The key here is the freeform phrase input that enables you to support phrases, words, and unlimited combinations of those words and phrases together to make the search as precise as possible.
Search engines that filter out combinations of provocative keywords still cannot detect metaphors, allegories, subtle allusions, satires, and even unusual turns of phrase.
Simply type in a search term or phrase and compare.
Rollyo: This highly customizable search engine lets you enter a keyword or phrase and then select specific categories to search, like travel and hotels, health, celebrity gossip and more.
This highly customizable search engine lets you enter a keyword or phrase and then select specific categories to search, like travel and hotels, health, celebrity gossip and more.
The phrase Providing the Search-Order Extensions word set shall be appended to the label of any Standard System that provides all of the Search-Order and Search-Order Extensions word sets.
Find all documents with the term 'XML' and 'database' in the abstract element, the phrase 'text search' and 'Viper Release' in the title element, and both terms should be in the same sentence.
When ranking sites, the search engines consider two main factors. How many times does the search phrase occur on your page, and how many other quality sites link to your page?
Then the restrictive phrase-tree is presented with its compact storage structure that improves the storage and access efficiency in recognition search.
Not only that, Yahoo's search engine supports full Boolean searching and Wild Card Word in phrase.
Not only that, Yahoo's search engine supports full Boolean searching and Wild Card Word in phrase.