If you're truly an expert, and you've created genuine value that people are aware of, delivering the goods for a reasonable fee will be the easiest task, so have fun!
Fundamental features include choosing names for descriptive value and continuity with prior industry standards, using local naming to keep message sizes reasonable, and planning for change.
It does mean that you have to keep a close eye on the real value provided by standardization and consider reasonable alternatives.
This paper analyzes some problems in the verification regulation of feeler gauge, and puts forward a more reasonable measurement method of getting points and value.
A precious medicinal value and health care, various grades of everything, the price is reasonable, door-to-door, with the sale of things, interested, please call on specific issues.
Asking for more is not reasonable, especially since the United States have once again neglected the value of the dollar and systematically weakened it.
Overall, the ThinkPad x100e delivers both reasonable performance and good value for money that make it stand out from much of the competition.
The basic function and value lie in safeguarding a state's striking force against gross crimes and realizing reasonable distribution of judicial resources.
The Laureate also has a 421A tax abatement that keeps common charges reasonable and enhances the perceived value.
Reasonable security and access will depend on both the nature and size of the organization, as well as the content and value of the information requiring security.
The example shows that the method is scientific and reasonable, and has important value of engineering application.
We also provide professional services to sophisticated technology, stable quality, reasonable prices and quality service to create value for customers.
In this paper calculating methods in different standards have been compared to confirm the reasonable value of earthquake action and wind reference pressure in this project.
The reasonable solution to uncertainty and value of flexibility by the option method in the investment decision-making makes it be the best complementary to the traditional method.
This article analyzed nutrition value and commodity value of truffle, also put foward the reasonable exploitation and conservation measures of truffle.
The said model has practical significance and reference value for power plants to workout reasonable quoted price strategy.
It has reference value for decision-marker to make certain reasonable investment scale, plan decision and establish supply chain of the core competitive ability.
Objective To study the diagnostic value and reasonable use for ureteral calculus with helical ct scanning.
Indicated after user test result that, improvement program is reasonable, has good operational performance and is suitable the value.
Property in order to achieve the transfer of property value and the value of the collateral reasonable transfer system is designed to effectively promote the circulation of collateral.
Humane administration embodies the characteristics with unified scientific yardstick and value yardstick owing to legal reasonable guarantee.
As imaging techniques continue to improve, the diagnostic and treatment value of brain imaging will certainly increase the chances of reasonable recovery of language after strokes.
Industrial experimental show that the programme of the new form of drum is reasonable economic with good performance and the use of practical value.
Modern capital structure theory thinks that the reasonable arrangement of capital structure can decrease capital cost and increase enterprise value.
This paper discusses the discharged defrosting water (wasted cold) from defrosting and melting ice of cold storage and the value of reasonable recycle.
Defining the scope of the plaintiff clearly and setting reasonable conditions of the plaintiff are the foundation of exerting the value and function of the Shareholder Derivative Action System.
Defining the scope of the plaintiff clearly and setting reasonable conditions of the plaintiff are the foundation of exerting the value and function of the Shareholder Derivative Action System.