It was of a pattern which does not vary, and so it is familiar to us all.
If calories taken in are less than calories expended, weight shall be lost, and so it is with money.
"Some people would consider," he observed, "that stealing the motor-car was the worst offence; and so it is."
And so it is in ordinary life.
"And so it is!" said the child.
Things move quickly online and so it is with blogging.
0 is the future of Python, and so it is the future of Jython.
The message from XML is often taken to be "less is more". And so it is.
We are keeping our best players and so it is nice to be back with them.
The Intelligent Management Pack feature is quite extensive and so it is not practical to cover it all here.
And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.
In the case of the Blether persistence JAR, the conversion is straightforward and so it is not necessary to use the tool.
And so it is with luck - unlucky people miss chance opportunities because they are too focused on looking for something else.
And so it is that what we call ketchup is red and has a consistency of applesauce instead of more closely resembling soysauce.
There is no unsustainable progression driving the mechanism of a pay-as-you-go pension system and so it is not a pyramid or Ponzi scheme.
As John Berger has rightly stated, the way we see is conditioned by our history, and so it is that we may look at nature in terms of loss.
If the system is a jumbled mess, then the system might get into an undesired state through any number of paths and so it is hard to debug.
Resources, timetables, and deliverables are usually accounted for in divisions, and so it is practical to look at the design along those lines.
You don't have to use XML as your back end, but an XML document is just a text file and so it is fully transparent and readable in small quantities.
In such a situation, installing the second product could lead to your losing some functionality available in the first product, and so it is blocked.
And so it is that much more important that women receive pay equity and get fair pay because it not only benefits them, it benefits their entire family.
It's time consuming and resource intensive to allocate space to the hard drive, and so it is best to have that space readily available when it is needed.
“I don’t think that’s really a problem because the person who uses this system wants to learn something, and so it is like betraying yourself,” she said.
Building messages (especially JMS messages) and parsing responses is often a relatively expensive process, and so it is better to run these on a different machine.
Building messages (especially JMS messages) and parsing responses is often a relatively expensive process, and so it is better to run these on a different machine.