Idle tales, you'll say, and so say I.
I think we ought to give our guide our heartiest thanks for the excellent way in which be has looked after us-and so say I.
You were kind, helpful, and didn't treat us like babies! So I want to say thank you for making our "grown-up" experience so amazing and fun.
So suppose you asked me what I did yesterday and I say "I went to the Art Museum".
Her parents did not approve of her decision and, if she failed, her mother would say, "I told you so."
Hold on and don't let go until I say so.
If my mistress and all her friends can laugh at what I say, so may you too, I should think.
So I was about to say something about the work force in the region and the level of training and education.
I could never say no to chocolate, so we got some and sat down at a table.
I must say I've been doing a lot of sitting around and chatting over the last week or so.
She told me to give it to him for free and that she would pay me $1.5. I didn't expect her to say so at all and of course I didn't take her money either.
So I would say buy stuff that fits and you'll look better.
So I feel like I have to eat everything Dad makes and say "It's great!"
He was short, and, well I don't want to say homely, so I'll say he was plain looking.
I begin to lose the enthusiasm when I see so much injustice and I say, this is not possible, they are wrong.
I say, "And so she trudged up the wooden stairs, her sad brown shoes taking her to the house she never."
This is the one I pick and so I say, You may think that the gravitational acceleration at an altitude of 30,000 feet could be substantially less than the canonical number of 10.
So the magic I do is somewhat unique and fairly impressive (even if I do say so myself.)
Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am.
Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for [so] I am.
I want to talk about the current boom and I have so much to say about this.
So, yes, and I should say, of course you can also use the gradient and other things like approximation formulas and so on and so far, it's just notation.
The challenge as a writer was to try to figure out why it governed the way it did — and how it got away with it for so long — and, dare I say it, to have fun chronicling each new outrage.
And I say, It could be true, but so what?
She will say sleepovers are overrated, but I have never heard her say, ‘I can't believe so-and-so let their kid do it.
We've been looking at Plato's arguments for the immortality of the soul, and so far, I have to say I haven't found them very compelling arguments.
My wife and two daughters began to say that Arnold and I were so close that he had become the son that I never had in our family.
My wife and two daughters began to say that Arnold and I were so close that he had become the son that I never had in our family.