By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soya milk cancer cells are being starved.
You can remove trailing blanks from a file by using the s command and substituting a null replacement.
The stereotypical gamer is a fat bachelor in a darkened bedroom, living on pizza and substituting pixels and joysticks for healthy human contact.
Substituting double electrode for normal tungsten and substituting spherical constricting nozzle for normal cone one are the key to design the torch.
When a letter from UCLA arrived casting doubt on his claim, he intercepted it in the mailroom, steaming it open and substituting its contents with a forgery.
The high oxygen ion conduction can be obtained by introducing oxygen ion vacancies in some fluorite - or Perovskite-type oxides with doping and substituting.
Besides subordinating to nature, independence and supplement, quality of creditor's rights and substituting is the outstanding characteristic of contract guarantee.
This article analyzes the functions and harms of adding nitrite to the meat products. The methods of reducing and substituting nitrite in food are also been discussed.
And substituting certain assault on the grounds that its 1995 production in the hospital when the blood was infected with the HIV virus, and then her husband was also infected.
The utility model relates to a cross-flow sieve filter for sewage containing oil, which is used for treating petroleum sewage and substituting the existing settling and treating device.
Substituting software versions may impact what features are available and compatible with your development goals.
In iterative development, this is much like substituting one optional feature for another as we continually learn about our project and our customer needs.
Under the new rules, the use of pre-recorded songs, music and other methods of substituting another performance for the one seen on stage have been prohibited.
Substituting one service implementation for another will require changes to and redeployment of the application code.
But substituting fish for red meat, high-fiber foods for processed pastries and eating more vegetables may push more fattening foods off your plate, and at the least, prevent weight gain.
We think that by substituting most of our meals with salads, we are eating healthy and providing a good nutrition for our bodies.
Plumbers are steadily switching from copper pipes to plastic ones; and the Chinese have found a way of substituting the metal with cheaper aluminium in air-conditioning units.
We will be substituting a call to this find() method for our recursive function described previously when we get this new version, and so should you.
You add the roads layer to the map using the same method as in Listing 4, substituting the layers and map options with appropriate values.
They take place in a curve.You express everything in terms of one variable and after substituting, you end up with a usual one variable integral that you know how to evaluate.
Extensions include better ways of substituting commands and redirecting information in and out to different processes.
For people in sub-Saharan Africa, where white corn is a staple food, substituting this biotech variety could help them meet their daily recommended intake of vitamin A and folate.
Learning to draw and sculpt from direct observation retrains the eye to actually see what is in front of it rather than substituting its own set of shorthand symbols.
Make bean tacos by substituting black beans for beef (or at least for part of the beef). Great with grated cheese, tomatoes, avocado, sour cream and chopped lettuce!
The Spaniard also came in for criticism from his own fans for substituting Fernando Torres, Yossi Benayoun and Dirk Kuyt.
We are used to ideals, we are in the habit of resisting, suppressing, sublimating , substituting, all of which involves effort and struggle through time.
Substituting compound mineral of natural siliceous lime and sepiolite for asbestos in brake friction lining can improve all performances of product.
Run the following install command, substituting the profile path and name you specified in the profile creation wizard.
Run the following install command, substituting the profile path and name you specified in the profile creation wizard.