Tyndareus readily agreed and Odysseus proposed that, before the decision was made, all the suitors should swear a most solemn oath to defend the chosen husband against whoever should quarrel with him.
We care about that person, would talk to his heart, and with the feelings of the quarrel between the couple quarrel, is kind of new discovery, a spice of life, but also a.
Because the methods are easy and many for a wise man to avoid a quarrel with honour, or engage in it with innocence.
If men quarrel and one hits the other with a stone or with his fist and he does not die but is confined to bed.
It was completely fruitless to quarrel with the world, whereas the quarrel with oneself was occasionally fruitful and always, she had to admit, interesting.
Love is the best way to maintain: noisy quarrel bicker 'and' good 'in because every quarrel with every good is to promote feelings!
I sorry for often quarrel with you, doing the things makes you worried, ignore your love and so on.
"My wife makes all the small decisions," he explained, "and I make all the big ones, so we never quarrel about each other's business and never get unhappy with each other."
Although they quarrel with each other now and then, the husband and his wife make up soon.
The room and the room next to each ball pit village, under the eaves of the hearts of each other sometimes struggle with each other sometimes help busy, have teeth touch, quarrel, and gas.
Nowadays, many children have been spoiled. They are easy quarrel with their parents and won't make agreement until their parents give them the things they want.
Then a fierce quarrel broke out between Gao Lin and one of his rivals after they collided with each other in the 75th minute, transforming the field into a boxing ring.
Twenty minutes after the quarrel, while he was comforting his girlfriend, the man returned on the scene, bringing twenty friends with meat cleavers and bricks on them.
He told of the two demons that came to him to settle their quarrel. And he told how they gratefully helped him with their magic powers.
That night there was the sound of uproarious singing, which was followed by what sounded like a violent quarrel and ended at about eleven o 'clock with a tremendous crash of glass.
The two brothers often quarrel with each other; one is stubborn, and the other (is) selfish.
For this and other reasons, Gerald's family was not inclined to view the fatal outcome of this quarrel as anything very serious, except for the fact that it was charged with serious consequences.
Usually willing to stay and those who quarrel with you, are the real people who love you.
It is the stupidest to quarrel with others on a BBS. You may be irritated and fly into a rage by others. But please remember, the more you are angry, the happier your adversary will be.
The two sisters promised that they would get on well with each other, and they haven't had a quarrel since.
那对姐妹承诺说他们会好好相处, 从那以后他们不会吵嘴了。
If your betrothed comes here now, there'll be no escaping a quarrel; but alone here he'll have it all out with the old man, and then come on to you.
Our wisdom is to look unto the LORD and not to quarrel with men or women.
Ms. Foley has no quarrel with that assignment, embracing her status as the voice and face of her paper's fashion coverage — albeit with reservations.
Ms. Foley has no quarrel with that assignment, embracing her status as the voice and face of her paper's fashion coverage — albeit with reservations.