And the sign said "the words of the prophets."
I asked him about the new sign, and he said, "You kids are stealing too much stuff."
Huck stared at the mystic sign awhile, and then said with a shaky voice, "Tom, let's get out of here!"
And typically once they have the verbal words, they'll drop the sign out, "said Dr."
Health chief York Chow said there was no sign yet that the virus has been spread between humans and that investigations were focusing on poultry as being the source of the infection.
Though swollen, the recipient is taking immune-suppressing drugs and has shown no sign of rejection (attacking the new tissue as though it were an invading germ), Siemionow said.
And they asked 'Why did you sign "of Carrollton?" And he said 'There are so many Charles Carrolls in Maryland, I didn’t want the king to hang the wrong one.'"
Owners of dogs from the kennel she and her husband run must sign contracts requiring them to return the dogs to the Sterns if they do not work out, she said.
This sense of the sign as something different from what Saussure said it was is going to be the underlying theme of the second and central part of this lecture.
His family and his lawyer said he was compelled to sign a confession as part of the release agreement.
Brazilian and French ships and planes were looking for any sign of the missing plane, authorities said.
Today I saw a sign that said "subject to flooding" and I laughed out loud, finding it hard to imagine water in the relentless sunshine.
"This is extremely worrying and the sign that the system has gone wrong," Grayling said today.
There was no sign the offshore eruption posed any danger to residents, he said, with trade winds blowing gas and steam away from the island.
My Olympic dreams were dashed. The police asked me to sign their note-taker’s account of the meeting, and we politely said our goodbyes.
That's stretching out the time it usually takes to sign deals, and a greater number of them are getting scuttled as they develop, he said.
In a sign that it has been taken aback by the scale of the sanctions, Iran offered to resume nuclear talks with the major powers and said it may suspend part of its nuclear-enrichment programme.
I would just say that this is a warning sign that Afghanistan still needs a lot of help from the international community so people can go home and stay home, "he said."
And he drew back frowning, and having made the sign of the cross, he cried aloud and said, 'I will not bless the sea nor anything that is in it.
"When a Chrysler 300 drives down the street in Hollywood and someone says, 'Isn't that a Bentley?' that's a good sign, " Leno said.
He finished thumbing the so called tobacco into the pipe and glared at the little sign on the wall of the waiting room that said that, for his own comfort, he would not smoke.
"Very friendly people," he said, and gave the thumbs-up sign.
"The beauty industry shows no sign of slowing down as beauty and personal care products have become 'must have' items in every household," Dodd said.
I brought a film crew and a sign that said "I Am The 1%, Let's Talk."
Saying this, the devil took out a book and let the 3 sign their names, then said: "Now, I say a riddle to you." You can think about this riddle for 7 years.
The Labor Department said Thursday that new claims fell by 31,000 last week, to 473,000, a sign the U.S. job market may not be deteriorating as quickly as some investors and economists had feared.
The Labor Department said Thursday that new claims fell by 31,000 last week, to 473,000, a sign the U.S. job market may not be deteriorating as quickly as some investors and economists had feared.