They just power down, metabolically speaking, and then wait until the coast is clear (of antibiotics) to come back to life. Which is why the poor patient just can't seem to clear the infection.
Don’t wait for January 1 to roll around just so you can do what most everyone else does without fail: Make New Year’s Resolutions and then don’t keep them.
Then you enter your street name or postcode and it will tell you all the bus stops in the vicinity - and how long you will have to wait for a bus; not just the first bus, but a series of buses.
And now, if I'm touching mouse pointer, we saw that Boolean expression before, play sound meow, wait a couple of seconds, and then just keep checking.
They couldn't offer steep discounts on unsold cabins because people would just wait until the last minute and then all cabins would be sold at a discount.
And if you think the credit crunch is bad, then just wait for the impending 'climate crunch'.
If the world thought that the PC and mobile phone had revolutionised the way we live our lives, then just wait for the impact of video and pictures on the Internet.
You don't just get to show up at the site, wait in line for a couple of hours and then waltz in to see Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson.
They just power down, metabolically speaking, and then wait until the coast is clear (of antibiotics) to come back to life.
My address for my mail is set to my parents' home, then forwarded to wherever I live, if I choose to do so (or I just wait and go back & pick it up, gives me a reason to see my parents).
Wait until just before sundown and then come over.
If placing it under the tongue, don't do it just after eating something hot or cold; wait ten minutes and then take a reading.
If you instead use GetString, same thing: blinking cursor, the function is just going to wait for the user to type a word, a sentence or whatever, and then hit Enter.
Then you just wait for the moment where someone asks about it and you can say, "Oh yeah, that means `soul' in Japanese."
Just click the menu option, wait for NUnit to open on your desktop, and then press the Run button.
Now you can just wait for the spe task to complete using spe_wait, and then print out the final value.
If you calm yourself down and just wait, you will eventually receive confirming signs, and then you will eventually get validation that what transpired was for the best.
Just then, a boy alighted from a car, and shouted, 'Sinduja, please wait for me!
It had just struck one. I told myself I would wait another hour and then, if Marguerite were not back by two o 'clock, I would leave for Paris.
Because if we just do two and then wait, I'll probably be 45 or 50 by the time we get to part three.
In the restaurants, people order their food, wait just a few minutes, then the food is ready and they can eat the fast food.
And then, you just need to wait for your goods to be delivered to your home.
And then, you just need to wait for your goods to be delivered to yourhome.
Just plop a few vials on the lawn and some on the sidewalk, wait an hour, and then ship your samples back to the scientists.
If customers need me and I am busy I tell them to wait just a second and then I try to help them as quickly as possible.
The woman says, "Just wait and see." She then hangs upside-down from the ceiling.
The woman says, "Just wait and see." She then hangs upside-down from the ceiling.