Water flows from the tank to the washing machine to clean clothes, then back through a filter and into the tank to be cleaned and used again.
He'd gone into the house, drunk a glass of sweet tea, then showered, the water washing away dirt and fatigue.
Then rinse it with water and then wash it again with the washing powder.
Washing fresh produce thoroughly in dilute solution of vinegar or bicarbonate of soda, and then rinsing in clean water will remove most potential contaminants, such as soil and surface residues.
After washing hair with ginger hair shampoo, take proper amount of this product, gently rub it on hair and massage head for 2-3min, then rinse off with clean water.
用生姜洗发水洗净头发后,取适量护发乳轻柔按摩头部2 - 3分钟,再用清水洗净。
Avoid sunlight and Washing water, once it wash water you should be drained and dry it, then continue to use, will not impact effect.
Then with the use of washing water, the cloth is washed and then finally taken out of the steamer body.
The expert suggested that she squeeze out the extra water after washing the hair and then apply some conditioner to make it smooth and shiny.
When we through a series of filtering and washing, then we from fresh water into minerals active water!
The condensed water from plants of C4 , styrene and ABS was recycled and applied to heat salt water in production of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber, and then used for agglomerating and washing.
The condensed water from plants of C4 , styrene and ABS was recycled and applied to heat salt water in production of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber, and then used for agglomerating and washing.