All that is good in the world is upheld by them, and without their presence in it the world would not be worth living in.
Having heard so many stories like this, I just feel I am like a balloon, which is seemingly flying high but is actually upheld by the cloud, and which is seemingly "full" but actually very "empty".
By and large, America's courts have upheld the right of Indian tribes to manage their own affairs within their reservations.
A federal ruling, upheld by the Supreme Court in May, has found the conditions "cruel and unusual", and requires California to release roughly 30, 000 inmates in the next two years.
While Tagore praised the industrial civilization emerging in the West, he strongly criticized the selfishness and ruthlessness of chauvinistic nationalism upheld by the West and Japan.
Those international brands, which are upheld by Chinese fans as the symbol of outstanding social status and taste, are just common necessities in the us and other countries.
Peace and stability in East Asia must be upheld by all parities. This is a call of the era, and the common responsibility and obligation of all regional countries.
Versions of Kant's theory of moral duty, often called deontological theories, have been widely upheld and defended by philosophers up to and including the present day.
And very specific traditions are most often upheld by the 'upper classes'. They love it.
A federal ruling, upheld by the Supreme Court in May, has found the conditions "cruel and unusual", and requires California to release roughly 30,000 inmates in the next two years.
The principle of truthfulness and impartiality should be upheld in news reporting. The practice of the media should be monitored by the public.
The high standards set by Leonard Clippard in company relationships with customers, distributors, suppliers, and employees continue to be upheld.
Article 4 the principles of legality, objectiveness, fairness and openness shall be upheld by the public finance department when conducting any public finance examination.
To raise collective efforts and serve the people – that is the spirit of service constantly upheld by the Carrefour Cultural and Educational Foundation.
To raise collective efforts and serve the people – that is the spirit of service constantly upheld by the Carrefour Cultural and Educational Foundation.