To keep healthy, we should pay attention to wearing masks and washing hands.
Objective To identify the situation of glove utilization and washing hands of medical workers in obstetrics and gynecology (ob-gyn) department.
I'm not a man so I really don't know how comfortable you guys are going to be with this thought... peeing and washing hands in the same urinal stand!
Some of the symptoms of culture shock are excessive washing of the hands, excessive concern over drinking water, food dishes, and bedding.
I certainly recommend washing your hands after using the bathroom, before eating, after changing a diaper, before and after handling food.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth before washing your hands.
I broke a few glasses and cut my hands while I was washing dishes.
This self-spread or autoinoculation can be prevented by washing your hands and not touching the cold sore.
When her hands were not hard from the endless housework, they were swollen and red like boiled beef, what of the washing. And there was his sister Marian.
Guidance covers such aspects as the control of irrigation waters, cooling and storage and correct washing of hands by consumers.
When I think of those beatup working man’s callused hands gently washing my delicate prom gown, my hearted warms and relives that moment of unconditional love all over again.
Prevent spreading germs by washing hands often and keeping kitchens, dishcloths and tea-towels clean.
Wash your hands frequently. Hand-washing is the most important thing you can do to prevent the spread of disease and stay healthy.
3 the Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they give their hands a ceremonial washing, holding to the tradition of the elders.
After washing their hands thoroughly, visitors walk through a pool of disinfectant and then into the plant itself.
In addition to washing hands often, she recommends covering your mouth when coughing and sneezing and avoiding touching your eyes and nose in case the virus is on your hands.
Washing hands will be the topic of Afghan television and radio talk shows and Pakistani newscasts.
Although it's impossible to keep your hands germ-free, washing your hands frequently can help limit the transfer of bacteria, viruses and other microbes.
About this time they would hear Dairyman Crick's voice, lecturing the non-resident milkers for arriving late, and speaking sharply to old Deborah Fyander for not washing her hands.
“I certainly recommend washing your hands after using the bathroom, before eating, after changing a diaper, before and after handling food, ” and whenever they’re visibly soiled, she wrote.
As I was washing my hands, a woman walked up and put her hands on my arms and held them.
If you do it mindfully, washing dishes can be pleasant as you feel the suds and water in your hands, pay attention to the dish and its texture, notice your breathing and thoughts.
Wash your hands Before Eating - Washing your hands takes two seconds and kills thousands of germs that could potentially lead to illness.
From Kabul to Karachi and from Delhi to Dhaka, millions of children will take part in the campaign and pledge to embrace more hygienic practices by the simple act of washing their hands.
"Washing your hands often during cold season and keeping your fingers away from your eyes and nose are the best ways to avoid catching a cold," says Dr.James Hubbard.
We say things we don't mean, we do things we don't want to, and we insist on washing our hands after going to the bathroom.
Start from the moment your eyes opened, and replay every movement - getting out of bed, starting the coffeemaker, going to the bathroom, washing your hands, or whatever.
Cold season is upon us, and the constant advice you will hear from doctors and friends it to keep washing your hands.
Everyone is washing their hands in this case, Bosnians and Serbs alike.
Everyone is washing their hands in this case, Bosnians and Serbs alike.