Skill comes only with practice, patience, and persistence.
Ink can be pretty tough to get out, but most ballpoint pen ink stains come out with lots of persistence and patience.
Loaded with both in - and out-of-container persistence options, JPA brings J2EE architects a number of new design choices.
With dauntless persistence, a sharp vision of what Russia should become and a sense that he embodied the spirit of Mother Russia, Putin has put his country back on the map.
These include services for event data persistence, event format conversion, integration with the complex event processing engine, administrative services, and others.
If you have a complex application with a number of different databases and persistence approaches involved, DAOs can help you create a consistent API for the rest of your application to use.
With experience, persistence, and time, you'll be surprised by how much knowledge you can acquire and how much confidence you can develop.
This layer also handles the requests from the Presentation layer and interacts with the DAL to retrieve the data from the back end and request the DAL to perform data persistence.
Somehow you have to meet the self-certain with equal and opposite insistence and persistence.
Each access intent policy defined is an aggregate of a set of properties used to control different aspects of the persistence and concurrency handling involved in dealing with EJB entities.
每个已定义的访问意图策略都是一组属性的集合,用来控制e JB实体的持久性和并发性处理的不同方面。
Enterprise system solutions nowadays commonly adopt a multi-layered system architecture, with separate layers for presentation, controller, application, domain, and persistence.
What he had had of value was his mind and his persistence and his writing skills, and those, actually, he had taken with him.
However, with planning, persistence and patience, plus basic communication skills, effective communication can take place and allow you to build a bridge to each other that will last a lifetime.
A child is a restless, noisy little animal, with an insatiable appetite for knowledge, and consequently a maddening persistence in asking questions.
The abstract schema, part of the deployment descriptor, defines the persistence fields of the entity bean and its relationships with other beans.
Psychologists use a theory known as "cognitive dissonance" to help explain the persistence of booms and busts. It means most of us feel anxious when faced with conflicting beliefs.
With support for database persistence, Web applications using the framework can be readily developed using a database server and the built-in WEBrick Web server.
Other major new features, like the Criteria API and the integration with the Bean Validation framework, just add to JPA's Arsenal of persistence capabilities.
In this third installment of the J2EE pathfinder series, we have compared and contrasted entity beans with session beans and JDBC for data persistence.
Though ActiveRecord deals with persistence, you often want to add behavior to your classes beyond database storage and retrieval.
The Order Processor interacts with the JPA entity manager and the JPA POJOs to accomplish its persistence code.
OrderProcessor与JPA实体管理器和 JPAPOJO 交互以完成其持久性代码。
Spring Web Flow as an advanced Web development framework offers unique features to support persistence programming and transaction management with JPA/Hibernate.
SpringWebFlow是一种先进的 Web开发框架,提供了独特的功能以支持使用JPA/Hibernate 的持久化编程和事务管理。
In the next sections, we'll develop an example application that lets you try your hand at mapping and data persistence with Objectify, using Google's Bigtable to store application data.
With the release of these JPA persistence providers, you can now code to a standard API and do not have to decide between incompatible non-standard persistence frameworks, like Hibernate or JDO.
DSL with the wrong context, with failure to separate concerns (such as mixing persistence details and user interface details).
These services include event data persistence, event format conversion, integration with the complex event processing engine, administrative services, and others.
But as with anything, persistence and practice is rewarded.
The server contains a communication API for communication with the client, a persistence log for storing the state, and the log message store.
服务器包含一组通信API 用来与客户端进行通信,一个存储日志用来保存状态,还有一个日志消息仓库。
There is a wide array of embryonic projects attempting to deal with datastores and persistence, but no obvious best solution.
Data persistence ensures that applications that retrieve and update data are kept in sync with the current state of the back-end database.