You filled out a questionnaire, fed it into the machine, and almost instantly received a card with the name and address of a like-minded participant in some far-flung locale—your ideal match.
However, if what takes your fancy is safe, sane and consensual, you could reasonably expect there will be a like-minded partner for you who is also a decent person.
From Zambia to New Zealand, Canada to Costa Rica, you can log on to the Internet and teach yourself and connect with like-minded souls.
Join — or start — a screenwriters' critique group so that you can exchange ideas and do readings with like-minded peers.
Think about it. Have you never sat down with like-minded friends and started to criticize another group?
The fledgling site reckons it will “create a reliable travel guide written by you and like-minded travelers from all over the world”.
I’d say just ask everyone you know if they’d like to be in a band. Once you get people together, try really hard to be open – minded and work as a group.
You will get to create new ideas and plans of action together with like-minded colleagues.
Even beyond that, word of mouth is an excellent referral tool - by just asking around and extending to 2nd degree, or 3rd degree contacts, you might find yourself a list of like-minded new friends.
You read online magazines, blogs and tweets to connect with and get advice from like-minded consumers.
If you believe in a vision of America that has been demolished, the anger you share with other like-minded citizens can be empowering, scientists have discovered, and lead to collective action.
Going back to school can help you advance your career and give you a chance to interact with like-minded people.
Lloyd, great to have open minded professionals like you advocating a range of treatments. Acupressure and acupuncture have been critical contributors to maintaining health and wellbeing for me.
Here, I will work with like-minded friends who share my design, and my life, thank you all for coming.
This is you and your like-minded people's desire to better it.
Miss a person's taste and set aside for any thing gratitude for his single-minded just like you.
But you must have a broad minded, tolerant of me, because I occasionally wayward, I do not mature, and sometimes like a child causing trouble.
Though she's not so noble-minded like you, at least, the heart she gives me is complete and the only one, not can be cut into pieces to sell.
Part of it is we're both musicians. we're both musically minded and I feel like a lot of how you structure things make sense to me.
Part of it is we're both musicians. we're both musically minded and I feel like a lot of how you structure things make sense to me.