Studies using anecdotal evidence have indicated that long-term separation from a romantic partner can lead to increased anxiety and depression as well as problems such as sleep disturbances.
Over the last year, I've heard several anecdotal stories about AdSense being less effective in terms of lead conversion compared to ads placed on the main Google search results.
Over the years, anecdotal reports have suggested as much, with some users claiming that multivitamins shorten sleep and lead to more frequent awakenings in the middle of the night.
多年来,一些逸事报道中不乏一些文章说, 服用多种维生素的人称它会导致睡眠时间减少,半夜频繁醒来。
Over the years, anecdotal reports have suggested as much, with some users claiming that multivitamins shorten sleep and lead to more frequent awakenings in the middle of the night.
多年来,一些逸事报道中不乏一些文章说, 服用多种维生素的人称它会导致睡眠时间减少,半夜频繁醒来。