Someone discovered that animal grease or fat rubbed into the inner side helped the leather to become soft.
He did his best, but he was a fat animal, and his legs were short, and still they gained.
So our focus is on getting the animal fat out of the diet so that the cell can clean itself up.
For renewable diesel made from animal fat, fats are hydrogenated by reacting the tallow with hydrogen under high pressure at high temperature.
Heart disease is supposedly a modern affliction, the result of a diet rich in animal fat and too many hours spent on the sofa.
Back then they were made of naturally occurring objects - coconuts, sea shells, hollow stones or similar objects filled with moss or a similar material that was soaked with animal fat and ignited.
The world's largest meat company thinks the answer may have been congealing in its facilities all along: Animal fat.
He discovered direct correlations between a country's incidence of heart disease, the level of cholesterol in the blood and the amount of animal fat in the national diet.
People who avoid all animal products obviously get no animal fat at all, they appear to have much less fat build-up inside their cells, and their risk of diabetes is extremely low.
The team found that those who consumed most animal fat had a higher risk of developing the cancer.
Over the past 20 years, the nation's consumption of butter has dropped 30%, egg consumption has declined 14%, and the average intake of animal fat has plummeted 60%.
I have no animal fat, no meat, no fish, but I feel so good. In my opinion, man is not born to be a meat eater.
The oil can come from animal fat or plant sources like avocado , coconut or sunflower.
The oil can come from animal fat or plant sources like avocado, coconut or sunflower.
Butter is made of animal fat but some kinds of margarine are made of vegetable fats.
Is animal fat any different than vegetable fat (like oils or avocado)?
Heavy consumption of meat, animal fat and salt was also associated with an increased risk, while eating plenty of fruits, vegetables and cereals and drinking green tea was found to be protective.
Suet Usually made from animal fat, vegetable versions are available.
Word about the berries spread quickly , and soon monks were eating them wrapped in animal fat to stay awake during long prayer sessions.
很快一传十、 十传百,不久后连僧侣也用动物油裹上这种小浆果来吃,以便在长时间的祈祷仪式里保持清醒。
We also advise men to eat a diet containing plenty of fruit and vegetables, to reduce their intake of animal fat, particularly red meat and, of course, keep their weight under control.
Soft or melted animal fat, especially after rendering.
The mother prepared dinner by boiling potatoes and peeling the apple. The three children and the mother had dinner happily. The animal fat candle shone their table brightly.
Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the food structure, increase the intake of animal viscera and meat, decrease the intake of animal fat and diversify the food items.
Fish: General for Animal fat and more polyunsaturated fatty acids, and fish fat, may contain a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, has a good cholesterol-lowering effect.
The animal fat candle felt happy as he enjoyed shining brightly for this family.
Soft or melted animal fat, especially after rendering.
Soft or melted animal fat, especially after rendering.