"The options that these resources offer for maintaining and improving animal production will be of enormous significance in the coming decades," he said.
Biotechnologies for animal nutrition and production are often based on the use of micro-organisms, including those produced through recombinant DNA technology.
The environmental equation of tracking animal production from feed to table goes like this: to produce a kilogram of beef, farmers have to feed a cow 15kg of grain and 30kg of forage.
Attention will also be given to animal health, livestock production, rehabilitation of fishing infrastructure, capacity building and the procurement of agricultural inputs.
Some retailers have their own standards which guarantee a level of animal welfare in the production of their own-brand food.
Suboptimal use of production potential (animal species, genetics, livestock practices).
And temperature extremes reduce animal production of meat or milk products.
A newly designed satellite centre is operational on the premises of the Animal Production and Health Division (APHD) in Apia.
FAO is constantly striving to determine the potential benefits and possible risks associated with the application of modern technologies to increase plant and animal productivity and production.
We think that these findings underscore that we need to stop overusing antibiotics in animal production.
In support of FAO's Member countries, the Animal Production and Health Division (AGA) designs and implements specific projects at country, regional and global levels.
In this article, the physicochemical property and mechanism of essential oil and its antibacterial action in animal production as well as the influence to nutrient metabolism were reviewed.
The establishment of improved pastures and coupling between plant and animal production levels should be an urgent task in this area today.
Tannin is known as one of the main anti-nutritional factors in plant feed, which restricts the application of plant feed in animal production.
It suggested that lamb fattening is an efficient way for animal production grassland.
We have elucidated the original intentions and possibilities for initiating avian genome project as well as its significant impact on life science research and animal production.
The paper summarized the nutrient content and kinds, source, functions of physiological active substances in bovine colostrumsand introduced the application of bovine colostrums in animal production.
This review summarized the biological functions of FTO gene and its relevance to animal production.
We have put forward reasonable Suggestions according to the safety and sanitation condition of animal production in our country presently.
The article mainly reviews application of galenical deodorizer in animal production, and point out the prospect of application in animal science.
In addition to infectious diseases, parasitic diseases and poisoning diseases, nutritional deficiency diseases in animal production is the largest group-occurring and frequent disease.
Organic foods are produced under standards that control the use of chemicals in crop production and medicine in animal production, among other regulations.
So understanding kinds and content variation of phytoestrogen at the different growth stage is significant to the efficient use of pasture and phytoestrogens in animal production.
And temperature extremes reduce animal production of meat or milk products.
Abstract: Feed intake plays an important role in animal production.
With more people to feed and finite resources to depend on, the feed and animal production industry has to grow profitably without compromising the ability to meet future needs.
Applications include refrigerated storage facilities, greenhouses, live animal production facilities, processing rooms and LABS.
DDGS was first used in ruminant production. In recent years, there were also many reports related DDGS used in swine, chickens and other single stomach animal production industry.
The research advances in the effects of feed restriction on body immune function were reviewed in this article. Its application in animal production was also presented.
The research advances in the effects of feed restriction on body immune function were reviewed in this article. Its application in animal production was also presented.