By 1830, Mr Ridley estimates, Britain was consuming coal with an annual energy output equivalent to 15m acres of forest, about three times the size of Wales.
Targets include increasing the renewable share of energy output to 20% by 2020, and ensuring that 10% of annual greenhouse gas emissions are "sequestered by forests" before 2030.
Beginning this year, the energy consumption per unit of output for all regions and major industries will be made public on an annual basis.
If we replaced all the solar energy technology, just simple to balance its annual output value will reach 2 trillion yuan (RMB).
Supporters say the wind farm's average output of 182mw of power would supply 75% of the energy needed for Cape Cod and nearby islands and reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions by 734,000 tons.
With the aim of saving energy, the washery has also developed quality briquettes made of byproducts such as coal slime, and the said briquettes have an annual output of more than 10,000 tons.
With the aim of saving energy, the washery has also developed quality briquettes made of byproducts such as coal slime, and the said briquettes have an annual output of more than 10,000 tons.