Activity quickened from a miserable first quarter in which the economy flirted with a return to recession, growing by only 0.4% at an annual rate.
In 1957 -1969 13 years he has achieved 30.4% average annual rate of return far more than the Dow Jones average annual return of 8.6% level.
在1957年- 1969年的13年期间,他取得了30.4%的年平均收益率,远远超过了道琼斯8.6%的年均收益水平。
If the recidivism rate falls far enough, investors can earn up to a 13.5% annual rate of return.
Four commonly used investment decision methods that generate statistics to compare projects are present worth, annual worth, future worth, and rate of return.
Take a decade. that decade the average annual rate of return but also 120%.
Early return on equity target in most of the 10% average annual growth rate of net profit in more than 10%-25%.
早期的股权回报率目标的10%,最有超过10% - 25%的平均净利润年均增长率。
Home prices in Toronto have doubled since 2004, bringing an annual rate of return for homeowners that beats inflation and interests on cash savings.
By re placing the annual tax return with simple, digital updates, businesses will be able to concent rate on putting people and profit, not paperwork, first.
“通过实现年度纳税申报的便捷数字化,企业将能够更加专注于人才和企业 利润上,而并不是把注意力放在文书工作上面”。
Such as the bankroll trading volume in the finance network, the return rate of stock market, temperature distribution in unclear reactors and the volume of annual rainfall, etc.
Fortune's annual list of the 100 Fastest Growing Companies takes into account revenue growth rate, EPS growth rate, and three-year annualized total return-all for the past three years.
Fortune's annual list of the 100 Fastest Growing Companies takes into account revenue growth rate, EPS growth rate, and three-year annualized total return-all for the past three years.