Another purpose is to improve performance based on partition elimination when the DB2 query optimizer determines that only a subset of the partitions need to be examined to answer as particular query.
另一个用途是当DB 2查询优化器确定只需检查分区的一个子集来回答特定查询时,基于分区消除以提高性能。
Your paper is an attempt to write a well-organized answer to whatever question you decide upon, using facts for the purpose of proving (or at least supporting) your contention.
You can choose not to answer questions or to adjust privacy Settings so that others can't find you, but that tends to defeat the purpose of a social networking site.
A lot of advice is given for the sake of making the adviser feel smart and valuable rather than with the purpose of finding the best possible answer to the problem.
This again proves, that the basic purpose Of Intel - with lightning speed to answer the falling out AMD.
这再一次证明,即基本的目的,英特尔-与闪电的速度来回答下降了A MD公司。
But there is no right or wrong answer. In all problems of this kind, the relevant measure is specific to the particular purpose you have in mind.
You have indicated that the purpose of your trip to the U. S. is that you will be a treaty trader/investor. Answer the following question concerning your E-Visa application.
If money had anything to do with the real purpose of this planet, nature would answer to a firm of accountants.
The purpose of this study is trying to answer this question by analyzing the research and the whole popularized process of a new mechanized farming technology.
It brings forward how to effect cost forecast, cost control. cost accounting and analysis so as to answer the purpose of cost control.
To be able to answer the research questions and reach our purpose, the search of relevant theory and models has been selectively done.
He has thus provided the definitive, superabundant answer to the questions that man asks himself about the meaning and purpose of his life.
The answer is "Yes" because the purpose of an entry is merely to get the trade started in the right direction.
If you are left unsure as to the answer of any of these questions, that is because the website has been designed to be glitzy, and at some point lost sight of its purpose.
Actually, one purpose of small talk is not to find out the answer to questions like "How are you?"
The answer is Yes because the purpose of an entry is merely to get the trade started in the right direction.
Perform outbound call to old and potential customers, promote company's products and service, answer customer's inquiry, thus to achieve the purpose of products sales;
Perform outbound call to old and potential customers, promote company's products and service, answer customer's inquiry, thus to achieve the purpose of products sales;