But in real life, it's a hugely important one to ask of yourself and to answer truthfully - what aren't you good at?
Since everyone reacts differently, you should start off by asking simple questions that the other person would answer truthfully.
An early study of 40 volunteers who were asked to answer truthfully to questions and then to lie found that liars could be identified with 70 per cent accuracy.
Most hiring managers will answer this question truthfully, and it’ll give you a chance to assuage their fears.
The party and other persons concerned shall truthfully answer the questions and assist in the investigation or inspection; they may not obstruct such investigation or inspection.
Please answer the questions truthfully and make your answers clear.
Most hiring managers will answer this question truthfully, and it'll give you a chance to assuage their fears.
"I've got a question for you," said Harry, his heart beating rather fast as he looked down at the elf, "and I order you to answer it truthfully." Understand?
"Most hiring managers will answer this question truthfully, and it" ll give you a chance to assuage their fears.
Most hiring managers will answer this question truthfully, and it'll give you a chance to assuage their fears.
Most hiring managers will answer this question truthfully, and it'll give you a chance to assuage their fears.