This is because the distance between customer No. 5 and customer No. 1 is less (far less, actually) than the distance between customer No. 5 and any other customer.
God will never love you any more than he does at this very minute. And he will never love you any less than he does right now.
At this price, any seller who values the car less than p will be willing to trade.
在这个价格水平下,效用低于p的销售者愿意交易。 考虑到我们对质量均匀分布的假设,以价格p交易的汽车的质量区间为0到p之间。
In life, everybody has their moments of glory although they may go unnoticed like the accompanist. This does not mean, however, that they are any less important than anyone else.
I eventually became so good at this technique that I could complete all my studying for any information heavy mid-term or final exam in less than 6 hours.
Despite making less than 5% of my income through this blog (some of you manage to find my eBook) I still spend more of my time on this site than any other that I own.
This method is easier because you don't have to do any addition or other calculation, but some people feel it's less accurate than using the first method.
This may be less efficient than a local deployment but does not require the deployment of any additional components to the target system.
There was less trumpeting this time, but protons were made to hit each other at energies higher than any accelerator had managed before.
The funny thing is, in this scenario, a lot of women didn't seem any less manly than, for example, the teenage boys who were enlisting.
In this context, "virgin" means that the oil is not mixed with any additive , where a virgin oil must have an acidity of less than 3%.
The other runners and I feel that we have broken the back of this; barring any unfortunate accidents the remaining eight of us should be running into New York in less than four weeks.
This is slightly less than the percentage heldby Japan and residents of Japan, but substantially more than thepercentage held by any other country.
This is slightly less than the percentage held by Japan and residents of Japan, but substantially more than the percentage held by any other country.
Given that I'm no more or less brave than any other pilot would have been in this situation, I did have one major 'courage' advantage over most - I was wearing a parachute.
But when wood burns properly, all this turns into energy which may be used creating less environmental impact than any fossil fuel (either oil or gas).
The commercial's pitch — that the Windows Phone "will save us from our phones" — seems dubious. Why would people be less obnoxious on this device than on any other?
The commercial's pitch - that the Windows phone "will save us from our phones" - seems dubious. Why would people be less obnoxious on this device than on any other?
Most of this is self explanatory and I won't go into too much detail except to mention that the em:targetApplication element I use specifies any Firefox version greater than 1.5 and less than 2.0.1.
大部分内容的含义不言自明,因此就不多做说明,但是需要提到的一点是,我使用em:targetApplication元素指定所有的Firefox版本大于 1.5而小于2.0.1。
Since factorials of numbers less than 1 don't make any sense, we stop at the number 1 and return the factorial of 1 (which is 1). Therefore, the real factorial function will look like this
由于小于1的数的阶乘没有任何意义,所以我们在计算到数字 1 的时候停止,并返回 1的阶乘(即 1)。
With this drop down box you can change the author of the post to be any user with user level equal to or less than your.
Post author: with this drop down box you can change the author of the post to be any user with user level equal to or less than your.
They know there's nothing to any of this and that's why Starr maneuvered his way into the Lewinsky case, maybe by being less than honest with the Justice Department about why he wanted to.
This is less than satisfactory from any perspective, and from a market perspective it makes no sense at all.
With this drop down box you can change the author of the post to be any user with user level equal to or less than your.
I smoke color Tiger Balm brand suits just fade in less than a year, and there any way to remedy this?
You were seen by no less than seven Muggles. Do you have any idea how serious this is? You have risked the exposure of our world.
Women are also less picky at this age than at any other age, but still look for a man with a high income, which is always important to women no matter their age.
Women are also less picky at this age than at any other age, but still look for a man with a high income, which is always important to women no matter their age.