Rich ruby color, the wine has a good bouquet. A mid-weight AOC Bordeaux, fruity, well-balanced and easy to enjoy. Roast red meats, cold meats, hams, sausages poultry.
Would you like to try our house (red /white) wine? It reaches to the AOC level and is produced in Bordeaux, France.
The best dry white wine are sold under the Bordeaux AOC label. The best sweet wine under the Cadillac appellation.
The Bordeaux appellation is a so-called 'regional appellation', which means that its wines come from all over the Gironde, a great wine-growing region capable of producing wine of AOC quality.
The Bordeaux appellation is a so-called 'regional appellation', which means that its wines come from all over the Gironde, a great wine-growing region capable of producing wine of AOC quality.