Apache Tomcat is always a fine choice.
Apache Tomcat始终是最佳选择。
For this example I will use Apache Tomcat 6.0.
对于这个例子,我将使用Apache Tomcat 6.0。
You can use Apache Tomcat as the web container.
您可以使用Apache Tomcat作为web容器。
JDK 1.6.0_17 and Apache Tomcat 6.0.14 were used.
本文使用的是JDK 1.6.0 _ 17和Apache Tomcat6.0.14。
The default port for Apache Tomcat is port 8080.
Apache Tomcat 的默认端口是 8080 端口。
The application was tested against Apache Tomcat 5.5.
应用程序使用Apache Tomcat 5.5进行了测试。
I will use Apache Tomcat as a servlet container to deploy the clients.
我将把Apache Tomcat作为一个servlet容器使用,用于部署客户机。
Geronimo-jsp-examples: Apache Tomcat provided JSP example applications.
geronimo - jsp - examples:Apache Tomcat提供的js p示例应用程序。
You can download it freely from the Apache Tomcat Web site (see Resources).
它可以从Apache Tomcat网站(请参见参考资料)免费下载。
Deploy the project to Apache Tomcat using Eclipse WTP, and start the server.
使用EclipseWTP将项目部署到Apache Tomcat,并启动服务器。
Geronimo-servlet-examples: Apache Tomcat provided servlet example applications.
geronimo - Servlet - examples:Apache Tomcat提供的Servlet示例应用程序。
For more information on what these events mean, see the Apache Tomcat documentation.
有关这些事件的含义的更多信息,请参见apache Tomcat文档。
In this case, we were focused on Apache Tomcat, our favorite Web Application Server.
这次,我们专注于Apache Tomcat,那是我们最喜欢的Web应用程序服务器。
Download Apache Tomcat V5, a compatible Web server that will integrate into the ATF.
下载Apache TomcatV5,它是将集成到at F中的兼容Web服务器。
Answer: The single biggest addition since certification is Apache Tomcat integration.
答:自从认证以来最大的一次提升就是集成Apache Tomcat。
For Apache Tomcat, there are two major things that you need to do to get Comet working.
对于Apache Tomcat,要使用Comet,主要需要做两件事。
Note: You can use Apache Tomcat V4, but you must use the compatibility package, as well.
In fact, it USES a stripped-down version of Apache Tomcat as the help application server.
事实上,它将拆分式版的Apache Tomcat用作帮助应用服务器。
JK is a component used for communication between Web servers and Apache Tomcat connectors.
JK是一个用于在Web服务器和Apache Tomcat连接器之间通信的组件。
One of the most popular solutions is Apache Tomcat, which is both free and well-documented.
最流行的解决方案之一是Apache Tomcat,这种产品是免费的,而且有良好的文档。
The site comes packaged with Apache Tomcat, as well, so you can run it locally if you wish.
该站点随同apache Tomcat打包在一起,如果您愿意,也可以在本地运行它。
This article describes the features Quercus provides by running it on top of Apache Tomcat.
本文介绍了在Apache Tomcat之上运行Quercus所提供的特性。
The core runtime is our tc Server product, built on and wholly compatible with Apache Tomcat.
运行内核我们TC服务器产品,它是建立在apache tomcat之上,并完全与之兼容。
This will most often be running on Apache Tomcat or some other open-source application server.
这一层通常运行于Apache Tomcat或其他开源应用服务器之上。
Apache Tomcat: Download and try the application server on which these code samples were tested.
Apache Tomcat:下载并试用用于测试本文样例代码的应用服务器。
You used a simple real-world example running on Apache Tomcat and connecting to a MySQL database.
本文使用了一个运行在Apache Tomcat上并连接到MySQL数据库的真实的简单例子。
Apache Tomcat: This server is used to contain the Web services that provide access to the Web resources.
Apache Tomcat:此服务器用于保存可以提供对Web资源的访问的Web服务。
I have configured the use of Apache Tomcat Version 5.5 to be the runtime environment for the application.
我将Apache TomcatVersion 5.5配置为应用程序的运行时环境。
The New Server wizard, as shown in Figure 7, will default to the Apache Tomcat V5.5 runtime you just created.
图7所示的NewServer向导将默认指向刚刚创建的那个Apache TomcatV5.5运行库。
Developers typically deploy Pluto in the Apache Tomcat Web container, but that approach isn't your only choice.
开发人员通常把Pluto部署到Apache TomcatWeb容器中,但这并不是您的惟一选择。