Within first 20 hours, there was apparent weight loss of the coating, and then weight loss became slower gradually.
After eight weeks, the animals reduced their food intake 40 percent and lost 13 percent of their weight, without apparent heart problems.
Weight gain was more apparent in patients treated with the intermediate-acting agents.
The dry matter weight per unit, dry matter accumulation per stem( panicle), and transportation of leaf apparent matter was more than the high yield crop management.
Scientists have developed a slimming drug that successfully suppresses appetite and results in a dramatic loss of weight without any apparent ill effects.
This is most apparent for large power requirements where the two-stroke engine produces much more power for the same weight.
Results It was the apparent loss of body weight after reducing fat, the biochemical targets were improved.
The apparent molecular weight of the particles and their sizes and distribution were characterized by using static laser light scattering (SLLS) and dynamic laser light scattering (DLLS).
Moreover, the low molecular weight and higher temperature are favorable to reduce the melt viscosity, to increase the critical shear rate and to improve the apparent quality of extrudates.
Extracting feature parameters of apparent quality, area of egg image is used to evaluating egg weight, the correlation coefficient is 0.9922.
In TM mode, the distortion of phase is less than apparent resistivity, so the weight of phase in inversion can be increased.
Some protein points from the pollinated stigma near the alkali end disappeared and some proteins with low molecular weight became less apparent.
Some protein points from the pollinated stigma near the alkali end disappeared and some proteins with low molecular weight became less apparent.