The pilot then gave up his pursuit when the 'disc' appeared to disappear.
On the morning of the 26th (bottom), the slick appeared to disappear, but this was due to changes in lighting conditions, not the absence of oil.
The head of a string of pigs appeared, snout-up, over the ditch, he had to screech to a stop and watch the rear of the last pig disappear on the other side.
The head of a string of pigs appeared, snout-up, over the ditch, and he had to screech to a stop and watch the rear of the last pig disappear shaking into the ditch on the other side.
The head of a string of pigs appeared, snout-up, over the ditch, and he had to screech to a stop and watch the rear of the last pig disappear shaking into the ditch on the other side.