1984 - The first Apple Macintosh goes on sale.
I even successfully ran it on an Apple Macintosh laptop.
我甚至成功地在一部苹果Macintosh笔记本电脑上运行了Windows 7。
It would be two-and-a-half years before the first real challenge appeared, when the original Apple Macintosh went on sale.
大概两年半后才出现第一个真正的挑战,到时,新颖的Apple Macintosh开始发售。
In a library environment the term workstation often is used to refer to any personal computer such as an IBM PC or an Apple Macintosh.
Foxmarks then caused that same new bookmark to appear in Internet Explorer on the same Dell, and in both Firefox and Safari on my Apple Macintosh computer.
Kay's work on the graphical user interface became the inspiration for the Xerox Alto, and then the Apple Macintosh, which changed the world by opening computing to the rest of us.
Kay在图形用户界面方面的研究成果,成为施乐Alto(第一代计算机,对苹果电脑和Mac开发有很大影响)的灵感来源,然后是苹果公司的Mac;这促使所有的人们都开始使用电脑,从而改变了世界。 (我们发现它们完美无缺,也并非如想象中的高不可攀。)
I had used Apple products in the 80's and 90's (my primary computer in my Uni years in the early 90's was a Macintosh).
Apple Introduces the First Macintosh computer.
For years, Apple relied on its Macintosh computers to generate much of its revenue.
In 1984, Apple released the Macintosh, a pioneering device with a graphic interface that opened personal computing to the general public.
And Apple says that more than half of the computers sold at Apple stores are to people new to the Macintosh platform.
The voice-over intones: "On January 24, Apple Computer willintroduce Macintosh. And you'll see why 1984 won't be like 1984."
The concept was championed by Apple when it launched Apple II, the world's first personal computer, in 1977, and the first Macintosh in 1984, but other players now lead the market.
Apple shipped 53% of its Macintosh computers to the U.S., 24% to Western Europe and 14% to Asia, in the second calendar quarter of this year, according to IDC.
One of the three may come up withsomething “insanely great”, [color=#ff0000]an expression used at Apple in times pastto describe the original Macintosh computer.
三家中可能有一家搞出了某些“超级无敌牛”的东西,[color=#ff0000] 拿当年的苹果来形容, 就是原始的麦金塔(Macintosh)电脑.
After buying NeXT, Apple had to figure out how to turn NeXTstep into a Macintosh operating system.
The first post-Jobs product at Apple was the Macintosh II.
Apple Inc. updated its line of Macintosh desktop computers with more capabilities but kept price cuts modest despite the drastic decline in consumer spending.
果公司(Apple Inc .)推出了具有更多功能的新款台式电脑。不过,尽管眼下消费支出锐减,苹果公司却只是进行了适度的降价。
Since 2002, when the idea for an Apple phone was first hatched, mobile chips had grown more capable and could theoretically now support some version of the famous Macintosh OS.
One of the three may come up with something "insanely great", an expression used at Apple in times past to describe the original Macintosh computer.
Apple said it sold just under 4 million Macintosh computers during the quarter.
This shift has been driven by Apple, which likes to boast that most of its revenue now comes from "post-PC" devices such as iPods and iPhones rather than from its Macintosh computers.
“I don’t wear the right kind of pants to run this company,” he told a small gathering of Apple employees before he left, according to a member of the original Macintosh development team.
“I don’t wear the right kind of pants to run this company,” he told a small gathering of Apple employees before he left, according to a member of the original Macintosh development team.