A workflow engine enables the developer to model a business process and allows the application to go with the flow of information defined by the process.
The appropriate request message is built at runtime based on the binding information found in the WSDL document, thus making it transparent to the application developer.
With the timestamps and familiarity of the application, the developer can also determine the time spend transferring information "over the wire".
In developing application services, the application developer needs this understanding to ensure that applications meet the information needs of the business users.
Even when not every team member in every role is using Rational Application Developer, it is important that you can share information with other people in other roles.
即使在不是每种角色上的每个团队成员都使用RationalApplication Developer的时候,和其他角色上的其他人员分享信息也是很重要的。
Before going any further, it is recommended that you read the help information on Personalization features that are added by the wizards you installed into Application Developer.
在进行任何进一步操作之前,建议您阅读有关Personalization特性的帮助信息,它是由您安装到Application Developer中的向导添加的。
The larger this number, the longer it will take to collect information, to pass it to Rational Application Developer, and to present in the view.
这个数值越大,它用于收集信息、将其传递给RationalApplication Developer、然后在视图中呈现出来所花的时间就越长。
Install the application as described in Deploying modules to the test environment in the Integration Developer Information Center.
按照IntegrationDeveloper Information Center中的Deployingmodules tothetestenvironment部分介绍的方法安装应用程序。
However, as a Web application developer, you might want to automate that search or enable your Web page visitors to view information retrieved from the blogosphere based on their own search criteria.
This is the same with the access to the Lotus Domino database; the physical location of the database is not needed by the application developer since DB2 II manages that information.
这与对LotusDomino数据库的访问是一样的。应用程序开发人员无需知道数据库的物理位置,因为DB 2ii会管理这些信息。
Imagine a situation where an architect or developer has been working on an application for quite a long time, and therefore has a lot of this kind of information stored in his or her head.
The developer can extract the necessary information from an XML document and also display it in a manner fitting to the application requirements.
A developer can instrument an application using JMX to provide contextual information for issues that occur.
On the other hand, by knowing information about the scene and the objects residing there, a developer can optimize this routine greatly based on a particular application.
Application wrapper information is kept in a XML file called application.axml, which can be found in the SRC folder in the Express Runtime Developer tool, as shown in Figure 9.
应用程序包装信息保存在一个名为application . axml的xml文件中,该文件位于ExpressRuntimeDeveloper工具的src文件夹中,如图9所示。
In the past, in order to get the data information of the devices from field devices, every application software developer has to write special interface function.
The development of application software, requiring developer can actualize combination query function of database information. This is one of important indices about software assessment.
COTS Based System development and maintenance has two mainly problems application developer must deal with: First is Lack of information.
NET-based application developer must provide an application manifest, which contains the binding and activation information.
NET-based application developer must provide an application manifest, which contains the binding and activation information.