In order to use either API, the application must first obtain a concrete XMLInputFactory.
The application creates a client on the fly (this is done during application execution) and USES the endpoint information (concrete port address) that is supplied in the web service definition.
This is correct because that's where the advice is; however in this situation the pointcut in the concrete aspect is controlling the application of advice, and it is that which is often of interest.
These rules suggest that an application cannot predict the concrete feature element names or geometry element names that might appear in a GML instance document.
The future of spreading and application of the technique in the concrete pavement that require above performance will be well.
But we still have one more issue to resolve: how do we instantiate the concrete implementation of interfaces without creating dependencies somewhere else in our application?
To do this, we provide a single transform that translates the application model derived from what users build in the Virtual application Builder into a concrete topology.
The implementation procedure, plating performance and concrete application effect of chemical plating are expatiated in the article.
Based on the extensive application of prestressed concrete technique in highway bridge during half a century in China.
In this paper, the character and concrete implement of ti DSP application teaching is introduced.
The physical characteristics and grading of slag used in slag concrete pile is discussed. The effect obtained in testing and application are presented.
In this case, append this fully qualified class name with concrete as the UID for the concrete portlet application.
Declaring this interface (or one like it) is a standard part of implementing the DAO pattern. A concrete DAO application would implement the interface as shown in Figure 1.
The research of this paper is significant for the further development and application of fly ash in self-compacting concrete.
After analyzing and comparing different types of Bridges, we affirm the steel-concrete bridge which is of broad prospects in application.
As long as users give the interface and function description application logic will automatically choose adaptive modules in the module database to complete their function by concrete mechanism.
The third part, an analysis of the basic laws of logic in the life of the concrete application.
There are extensive prospects of application for the wave propagation theory in the prestressed and reinforced concrete structures.
This paper introduces the concrete application of comparison and induction in the organic chemistry teaching.
The technique of prestressed concrete is already to get in our civil engineeringrealm more and more extensive application.
Creative thinking is the concrete application and demonstration of the underlying principles and rule in the process of thinking, resulting from many mutually coordinated thinking elements.
This article discusses the questions about the application of teaching design theory in the concrete discipline under the information technology condition.
Also, this paper further describes the concrete application steps of this method in combination with the application of the system of the certain power supply bureau.
Finally has been producing an appraisal example, explained this appraisal system in the actual concrete application method.
With high strength, large traffic flowing capacity and long life expectancy, the concrete pavement has got wide application in highway construction.
The author summarizes and states the application of comprehensive thermal storage method in winter concrete construction using engineering practice combing with his many years experience.
For this application, the bucket feed mechanism, RBC media, and Bio-Clarifier shaft are installed in concrete tankage conforming to the shape and dimensions of the Bio-Module steel tankage.
对于这样的设施应用,根据生物模块钢池的形状和尺寸,将斗式进水装置,RB C盘片,和生物二沉池安装在水泥池中。
The application of aerated concrete in building was restricted for the cavity and cracking occurred seriously on stucco coating of the aerated concrete wall surface.
The paper deals with the research results and application of the desert sand making mortar and concrete in stead of the engineering sand.
This paper discusses corrosion principle and current protection methods of concrete, introduces the important application of concrete structure in the bridge building?