Increased performance can often involve sacrificing a certain level of feature or function in the application or the application server.
This pattern is often used to build higher level business or enterprise services from lower level IT services, components or fine-grained application function.
On the primary site, an application workload can now run against the database, and the Metro mirror function automatically mirrors changes at the disk level to the target site.
At the outer level is an application of the squaring function (power, with the second argument the number 2), and the first argument to power, is an application of the sin function.
User function probes apply to application code-level probes. The general form of a user function probe is as follows.
Through deducing the Green's function in a three level layer soil by complex image method, application of this method is clarified.
The human hsp70gene has been cloned and expressed in high level. This study provides a necessary condition for research on structure, function and clinical application of hHSP70.
RTL(register transfer level) functional verification system for package assembly function in IPOA application is illustrated in this paper.
It describes the process to design with component and design patterns to build frames. Using this method, it achieves dynamic function in developing level and application level.
The spatial data warehouse provides the function of managing the heterogeneously magnanimous information and the service of digital earth oriented high level application.
This course discusses the principles of genetics with application to the study of biological function at the level of molecules, cells, and multicellular organisms, including humans.
In this way, the operator of the online commerce site (106) may prioritize server access per service level agreements based on a specific third party application and API function call.
For example, when an application uses function keys, you might want to process the keystrokes at the form level rather than writing code for each control that might receive keystroke events.
Method Carrying out investigations on processing AIDS (excluding enzymes) used in food industries, including the name, function, scope of application, level in use and residues etc.
Method Carrying out investigations on processing AIDS (excluding enzymes) used in food industries, including the name, function, scope of application, level in use and residues etc.