Data management application programming interface (API) functionality.
The Notes code makes calls to an SAP application programming interface.
A blocking and non-blocking client API (application programming interface).
This version provides a complete implementation of the UDDI V1 application programming interface.
This application programming interface (API) ensures that those corner cases are handled properly.
It does this with an application programming interface (API) called Kprobes, which this article explores.
No application changes, onmode flag, or SQL application programming interface (API) functions are needed.
Database administration tasks easily integrated with the new SQL Application Programming Interface (API).
One such product, called HAPI (HL7 Application Programming Interface), is already available (see Resources).
Each protocol is provided by a distinct technology, so each one has its own application programming interface.
DRBD USES the Linux crypto application programming interface and is therefore flexible on the integrity algorithm used.
The DB2 HA feature is a highly integrated implementation of TSA and the DB2 cluster manager application programming interface (API).
DB2HA特性是通过高度集成TSA和 DB2集群管理器应用程序编程接口(API)来实现的。
The adapter framework contains the necessary run-time application programming interface (API) to support the functions of adapters.
ShareThis already has a developer Application Programming Interface (API) but Schigel says there will be multiple APIs made available soon.
PHP version 5 introduced SimpleXML, a new application programming interface (API) for reading and writing XML. In SimpleXML, expressions such as.
The application contract defines a standard application programming interface that enables applications to use each resource adapter consistently.
Amazon EC2 lets anyone with a credit card pay for servers by the hour, turning them on and off through an application programming interface (API).
Prints the memory state of size bytes starting at memory address (addr), as explained previously in the Application programming interface section.
打印开始于内存地址 (addr)的字节Size的内存状态,正如先前在应用程序编程接口部分所解释的那样。
Many confuse the term REST with architecture; rather, it is used here as an application programming interface that enables a Web 2.0 architecture.
很多人都会将术语REST与体系结构混淆,我们这里将其作为支持Web 2.0体系结构的应用程序编程接口使用。
In short, apps grant wishes by accessing the specific corporate information available through a company's application programming interface, or API.
Rarely is the "right" information all in one place, stored in the same format, or even accessible through one application programming interface (API).
PDO is not an abstraction layer like PearDB. PDO is a more like a data access layer which USES a unified API (Application Programming Interface).
For users who activate the feature, Twitter already provides the latitude and longitude information through its application programming interface (API).
DB2 provides firms with a common application programming interface and database management platform for data modeled in tables as well as XML hierarchies.
DB 2为公司提供一个常见的应用程序编程界面和一个数据库管理平台,帮助它们以表的结构或XML结构对数据进行建模。
Compared to invoking PHP from the Web server, command-line PHP typically is executed using a different server Application Programming Interface (SAPI).
与从Web服务器调用php相比,命令行php通常是使用不同的服务器应用程序编程接口(Server Application Programming Interface, SAPI)来执行的。
This chapter concentrates on the dotted line in Figure 1 — the interface, or API (application Programming interface), between the parser and the application.
This design allows the hypervisor to export a common set of emulated devices and make them available through a common application programming interface (API).
TripIt for iPhone was created using the TripIt API (Application Programming Interface) that enables developers to build on TripIt's open itinerary platform.
TripIt for iPhone was created using the TripIt API (Application Programming Interface) that enables developers to build on TripIt's open itinerary platform.