Bank employee b1e1 receives this application and determines that she needs more supporting documents for this application.
Gather your N-400 application, photos, and all copies of supporting documents.
搜集好你的N- 400申请表,照片以及其他辅助材料的复印件。
To responsible for checking the return application and related supporting documents to be available and the product, quantity, batch, original delivery date to be accurate.
If your application is incomplete or lacks the supporting documents listed above, it will be returned to you for completion.
Complete the application form for the selected High School and attach the necessary supporting documents.
This application form may be completed in either Chinese or English. Please initial at the bottom of each page of the completed application form and all relevant supporting documents.
An incomplete application, or failure to submit supporting documents, will DELAY the process of your application.
Please ensure that sufficient postage is paid if the completed application form and required supporting documents are sent by post.
Supporting documents should reach the University preferably within three weeks after submission of the on-line application.
Please ensure that sufficient postage is paid if the completed application form and the required supporting documents are sent by post.
The postmark date on the envelope will be regarded as the date of submission of the application form and / or copies of supporting documents.
Please ensure that sufficient postage is paid if the completed application form and the required supporting documents are sent by post.
The on-line application number should be quoted on the envelope and the photocopies of all supporting documents.
The online application number should be quoted on the envelope and on every page of the copies of the supporting documents.
Candidates who apply online should mark "For application of Experimental Officer" on the envelope and quote the online application number on the copies of every page of supporting documents.
The secretary was instructed to submit to the Bank the duly completed credit card application forms together with all the necessary supporting documents.
An incomplete application or the failure to submit supporting documents will delay the process of your application.
Thee new process allows customers to retain their supporting documents during the application process.
Completed application forms, together with copies of supporting documents of work experience, should reach the enquiry address by post or by hand not later than the closing date for application.
Applicants should state in detail in the application form their academic qualifications and work experience, and attach photocopies of the relevant supporting documents.
The on-line application number should be quoted on the envelope and the copies of supporting documents.
The application and supporting documents become the property of the University and are not returned or available for distribution.
An in complete application or the failure to submit supporting documents will delay the process of your application.
Eliminating the simplified application shaves 120 days off the total processing time, because this is the time we allowed applicants to send in their supporting documents.
Step 5: Fill in the Online Application Form and Upload Supporting Documents truly, correctly and completely following the steps listed on the left of the page.
Step 5: Fill in the Online Application Form and Upload Supporting Documents truly, correctly and completely following the steps listed on the left of the page.