More interestingly, a newer CSS property called border-image allows you to apply images directly to your borders.
更有趣的是,一个新的CSS属性border - image可让你直接将图片应用于边线上。
Once you apply all these effects, you should get something similar to the image below.
You can choose whether you want to edit image metadata one by one, or if you want to apply these changes to the set of images in a previously built batch.
In addition, you can apply fine-grained access control distinctly to each image and each pattern, controlling who can read the asset and who can edit it.
You can also apply it as a decal or blend the image with the color of your choice.
Proceed to apply the following style to the image layers. We need to give it a little depth.
Note that you can restore either a full backup manually, apply the Saturday incremental backup image and roll forward.
To create some depth to our contents, apply a Drop Shadow using the attributes shown in the image below.
Apply the previous steps to yourself and you can increase your own self-image, too.
It then explains how to install the product silently from the installation image on the network drive, and how to apply updates silently (for both the product and the update tool).
For example, perhaps we want to make a thumbnail of an image, and then apply a spread to it. Once the spread has occurred, we'll apply the charcoal effect.
If you needed to restore on Monday, you would restore with the Sunday night backup image, and apply all available logs.
Once you apply all these effects you should get something similar to the image below.
Beyond the basic network, user, and remote connectivity data, you will also need to decide how much pre-configuration to apply in the image, versus what to do at deploy time.
If you have running virtual systems that are based on this image and the anti-virus software vendor releases new updates, you probably want to apply those updates to the virtual systems.
You can use an image to run a fresh database installation, or apply a fix pack on top of an existing installation.
Apply necessary changes according to the image below.
Finally, apply a Stroke Effect to that image.
Can apply various effects to the image - to import and scope of application.
You need to apply the kgdb patch on the kernel, build an image with kernel debugging support, then run that kernel on the test machine.
The fix is to tie the decorator to all DB Engine projects and apply the decorator image programmatically only when the server is running.
补救的方法是将decorator 关联到所有的DB引擎项目上,并让 decorator图标只有当服务器在运行时才可以编程控制。
Once you have committed your changes by clicking on Apply you can then proceed to the build stage, which will produce your live CD image in the ~/tmp/remaster-new-files/ directory as lived.iso.
一旦你点击“应用”提交了你的更改,那么将进入搭建阶段,这个阶段你的liveCD镜像将会在~/tmp/remaster-new-files/ 中产生,叫做lived.iso。
It can apply to the fields of Signal and Information Processing, Image Processing and Computer Aided Design of Electronic Circuits.
For example, they rarely apply to a photograph editing tool, where you need to look at an actual image - at the actual bitmap.
This thesis aim at carry on discussion to map method of cartography, It's hope utilize image map to apply all respects of economic construction to.
Nowadays, our methods of noise removal estimate or control the results of noise removal with the help of the image noise level in apply.
Nowadays, our methods of noise removal estimate or control the results of noise removal with the help of the image noise level in apply.